Finally !!! Got it on Cable.

Waited a while to watch it and was worth it.

Hadn't seen in a long while and caught some things I hadnt notice prior.

- There was a real air of menace which for a Disney production takes some doing.

- Before Francis found out Larry was Imaginary I think she was kinda flattered that he was paying attention to her.

- The whole bit where Francis decided to ' grow up' because she felt helpless when her brother got sick was pretty adult ( excuse the pun ) lacking the lite drama free drama from usual Disney fare.

- The Bogeyman played by Steve Valentine had flair and a touch of pathos, especially the line 'you only get to be young once.'

- Pathos aside he had a Joker like madness that was both amusing and a little bit frightening.

- Question, the cowboy doll in her brothers room that looked like Larry. Does anyone think Larry looks like Larry due to the doll or just coincidence.

- Also loved the subtle indications that Larry was turning into a Boogieperson in the begining. Aversion to light and his growing mania. Not to mention the freaky scence one he found out that Francis was the reason that the brother no longer belived in him. The verbal confrontation afterwards was enlightening.

All in all I am so happy that I finally got it, now just to make sure noone tapes the Rugby over it.


Where do you live? You're so lucky! It's been so many years since I've seen it but I'm pretty sure it wasn't just a coincedence. I loved Larry and I loved this movie for those points you mentioned. I love old DCOms, wish I would have thought to tape some. That's funny cause my mom used to tape stuff all the time, don't know why it didn't rub off on me sooner.

Ha! I'd kill someone if they taped over my stuff...but they know better.

I have faith that they will show it this year for Halloween. :)

***May your soul rise to heaven before the devil knows your dead***

Ghosts of Mississippi
