is this for sale?

Does anyone know if this is for sale on dvd or vhs? If not does anyone know any possible way that I could watch this without HOPING that Disney decides to show it again?


don't think its been released at all.. but its on UK tv tonite (Sunday 15 Jan) on channel 5 at 6.10 so grab a copy then!


Thanks for the info but it doesn't help too much on this side of the pond. :'(


UK tv tonite (Sunday 15 Jan) on channel 5 at 6.10 so grab a copy then! do you mean its coming up? 6007 AM LOST>?


It's usually on around Halloween in the U.S record it then.


I really want it to come out on DVD orVHS.



I wish I could be of some help. I have been watching for this to come out on DVD for a couple of years now and I can't seem to find it. I would love for someome to let me know when this airs in the U.S. My 4 year old loved it when she was 2.


disney channel has it where if you go to there site you can request for it to be on dvd




this is being shown tonight on Disney. Oct. 10.


do u think it'll be on again this Halloween or is it just a one time Halloween showing??


It will probably be on again they dont have that many halloween movies so they repeat them until the end of october which will be october 31 so they will repeat the movies heres a link of movies that come on disney for halloween's_Hauntober_Fest_2006 just copy and paste into the address spot and you will go to the webpage.


I have a DVD Quality copy on dvd for $12 free ship I except paypal checks mo
contact me [email protected]


Available for sale (legally) on amazon and YouTube. ☺
