Theme Song

Does anyone know where I can get the theme song for the second season. I've been looking for it everywhere and I can't find it. TIA


I do not believe that the song was ever released to CD. However, the Theme Song was written by Glenn Morley and performed by Rique Franks, Terry Hatty, Wayne St. John and Sharon Lee Williams. Glenn is presently with Tambre Productions in Toronto, Canada at the following:
His contact info is there so perhaps one may enquire how the music can be obtained. I was thinking of doing so myself... :)


Thank you for the information. I may just have to do that.

Cop:Fake U.S Marshall,Fake Credit cards...Do you have anything thats real?
Dean:My boobs *bg*


make sure to post it on here if you do, it would be very much appreciated :)


If anyone knows the title or lyrics to the part of the song they use at the shows beginning, please post Thanks


That song is amazing. Probably the best sung TV show theme song I've ever heard.

It's a bonafide tragedy if that song never got any sort of official release.


found clips of TIAL

but cant find the theme song on youtube


where did you find the clips of TIAL? I can't find anything on youtube!


Yannick Bisson on Twice in a Lifetime

Stepfanie Kramer Singing "Silent Night" From the TV Show "Twice in a Lifetime" which originally aired December 13, 2000.


Thanks for the clips! :) That second one felt very familiar even though the last time I saw it was over 7 years ago. Wish there was someway I could see this show again. :'(


I tried to find it for hours but finally i succeeded and I wanted to share it with you guys.

the last 18 seconds of this video.
