MovieChat Forums > Jane Eyre (1973) Discussion > My favorite Scene of the 1973 JE serial

My favorite Scene of the 1973 JE serial

The final scene of the serial which Jane and Edward rides off in a carriage after being married. Though no spoken lines between the two (apart from Sorcha Cusack's closing narration) as they ride off, you can see the expressions - Jane caring for Edward out of love while Edward was at peace with himself and his maker as Jane returned to him.

After the broadcast on PBS many, many years ago, that scene had always stuck in my mind ever since along with Jane's lonely walk from Whitcross.


I've always thought the facial expressions from the main actors spoke volumes in this adaptation and this is one of the things that makes it so special.

Jayston does have a wonderfully smug expression on his face in the last scene as they ride off in the carriage together. I thought Jayston and Cusack made a great on screen couple.


i really enjoyed this version but i thought the carriage scene at the end was one of the worst bits!! maybe it was the overly smug look on rochesters face or the obedient one of janes. my favourite scene was probably when jane was leaving and rochester is heartbroken.



I think the farewell scenes is one of the best.



My favorite scene of this mini-serial is the first one of part four, when Jane is back from Gateshead to Thornfield.
When I saw it again at "YouTube", I couldn't help myself (I simply couldn't!) and I wrote the following comment about it:

Oooooooooh! What a 45th birthday present I've been given by my dear, great friend 'Prancuzishkay'! Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times for downloading this scene!!!
Look at these two! Look at them!!! It's perfect, perfect, simply perfect! Rochester teasing her all the way through (but with what tenderness...)! Jane blinking at first (1'25); then, looking hurt (1'35) and passionate (2'02); and then, almost cracking down (2'27)!!!
What a prelude to the "proposal scene"!...

I suppose I've made a complete fool of myself - but there it is!...

João Pedro

"You're not turning to look after more moths, are you?..."


Impossible to choose! But if I try very hard to name ONE I think it has to be the second interview, especially the part between when Jane discovers that Adèle has left the room until the girl re-enters it.
Why? Except for the extraordinary acting and the fantastic script, I feel just as bewildered as Sorcha looks sometimes because I had to re-read that part of the novel several times - in my native language - before I understood what Mr. Rochester was talking about. And I like being challenged in that way.
/E 8-)
