Wednesdays with Morrie?

It could happen. If the author is desperate enough, Morrie could return from the grave and haunt Mitch. Oh, and it should be set on a space station in the year 2147.


Haha..that'd probably be a flop..but I'd be amused to watch it..



this is stupid, no way would there be a sequel with Morrie. Well you could make a continue story with Mitch, after Morrie's death, what he did with his life or something/


Morrie only visited him on a Tuesday.


That'd never work. They were Tuesday People. :P

The Book Is Always Better


That's a pretty stupid idea.


Well it is an idea none the less. I am glad you took the time to write about it. While some say it looks like a stupid movie, look at the movies they have out these days.


this wouldn't work for many reasons but the most obvious, as one state above, They were Tuesday people

"Some men just wanna watch the world burn."


No, Mitch Albom has moved on to other projects. He's published (I think) 3 other books since "Tuesdays with Morrie".
