What about dogs?

Before I watch this movie I really need to know if a dog is hurt in it.
Don't want to get upset, you know. With a name like that I don't know what to expect.


A severely hurt dog does appear on-screen briefly. Also, it's done in a way to evoke an emotional response. It is upsetting. However, there is no actual violence against any dog on-screen, only the aftermath.


SPOILER, SPOILER, but you asked for it. A shot is heard off screen. The dog is shown lying in the back yard with a spot of red on it's fur and the neighbor bending over it. End of scene. ...But... hold on till after the credits roll. Same scene, neighbor, dead dog, the "clapper" comes into view, the arm snaps down, the directer yells "CUT", the dog leaps up and bounces off camera. Happy dog, happy viewers, happy you.


I'm going to have to put this back into the dvd player because I totally missed that scene! =P

I ain't your friend, palooka.


you probably fast-forward like me or maybe it's uncensored ??

Last Movies:- Sherlock Holmes - 4,5/5
- Book of Eli - 4/5
- Daybreakers - 3,5/5


Yeah well if they hadn't put that bit in the middle of the end credits we'd all have thought that the dog was really shot dead.
