Ok so a dog gets shot and dies as part of the story. Did they really need to show the scene again during the credits with the dog getting up this time? It's like they had to reassure everyone that the dog wasn't really hurt. So friggin stupid!!! I mean, anyone other than a total idiot already knows they didn't really kill the dog. So what was the point... It's just some stupid b.s. to make sure people won't feel sad about the dumb dog. How about when ANY ANIMAL DIES IN A MOVIE from now on the filmmakers should be required to show the animal frolicking around after the death scene so nobody will get butt hurt! They should have to do this for people too!

People are such pansies.


Why are you so upset over what amounts to a deleted scene? If it annoys you, turn the movie off as soon as the credits start. The movie is technically over at that point.

I ain't your friend, palooka.


That was unnecessary (as you noted) and detracted some of the power of the dead dog scene.


For my widow,he would not watch movie.he saw name kill dog,he was happened to us.a joke went bad.i watched it.just a movie but he feared of our babies.not bad movie,not mad at all.but what if how to kill your kids.omg.ppl would go,animal lover.just a movie to are funny.thanks.:).love to all.
