Final Fantasy IV this board is dead! I love this game and I hope I beat it for GBA! Do you think this game is as good as the other FF games? Well, I like it because as the review says, it is for the thinker and not the adventurer. which i must admit i am!


the real Salival138 or whatever this name is hates them all but 7 and up.

I am his brother and I think FF6 and 4 are the best.

I should play god and shoot you myself


FF4 and FF6 are the best of the series to me as well.

Truly magical games that cannot be topped. The later FF games lack the charm and heart of the classics.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


I agree, FFIV is one of my favourites. I don't know why but there's something about the game that I like, maybe its the storyline and characters.

"In mitternacht, die mensch-maschine"


I agree. I fell in love with the series through FFVII, but I'm recently discovering the forerunners and this one (4) is really fun so far.

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.


It's me. Salival138's brother.


This one is my favourite one of the entire series. I remember playing it on the SNES as final fantasy II, didn't really understand the storyline then. But I've beaten the PSX remake, and I love it. There's something about it that makes it amazing. I think it's just the overall presentation. Story, characters, graphics, music, difficulty. Everything about it is just what a good rpg should be.
