Rarest film on Earth?

The folks at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas claim that theirs is the only existing print of Adamson's "Carnival Magic" in existence. I have even heard that they tried to convince Something Weird Video to collaborate with them on a (long overdue) official DVD release, but SWV didn't believe they really had the print! (They really do - they're screening it again on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2007).

Anyway, is there any evidence to the contrary? Is this picture less rare than claimed? There is only one user review here, and it's from Seattle (home of SWV, by the way), but it's entirely possible that we're talking about the same print here. Any insight would be appreciated!


It's listed as screening at the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles (http://www.newbevcinema.com/) on April 17, 2009.


Nope, that's also the Alamo's print. It's on loan.


It's about to be shown here in Tempe AZ, has more than one print finallybeen made at this point? You'd think multiple copies would be made by now! Although this film festival prides itself on having "real" 35MM prints. Including a Japanese edit of Debbie Does Dallas.

Valkyrie Warrior Maiden with cleavage you could ski down


The Tempe screening is using the Alamo print. Should be interesting....

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Someone just posted on these forums that it's going air on TCM Underground in Oct. I doubt very much there is only one print if it's getting showed in these different theaters because the quality would be so bad after these repeated showings it would become unwatchable.

I collect dead pigeons then I press them between the pages of a book.


Exactly, if Tcm shows a print of it, there's probably other copies that have been floating around.

"We have guided missiles and misguided men."


Awesome news it's coming to DVD and Blu-Ray.


With the TCM airings and the combo pack release, it doesn't look like the film will remain all that rare in the coming years.
