A Sequel Isn't Necessary

Though hinted to, the concept of the movie was that Happily Ever After wasn't as Ever After as first believed. Following that line of reason, the end tells us that nothing changes simply because they were victorious this time, doesn't mean that now everything is happily ever after again, and sooner or later lives would be in jeopardy, the nine kingdoms would have more problems, just like any society, just like any life. Problems happen. It's just what they do.

Besides it's rare to get a sequel to a miniseries, and even rarer that is be better than the original.

I always took the end as a continuation of the, "Happily Ever After wasn't so Ever After As we Had Hoped."



Agree not necessary adn really wasn't expecting another miniseries to be made But i was kind of hoping for at least a short book series of like 2 or 3 more adventures.



What sequel? There is just the noveliztion.


I totally would have watched a sequel series, but agree. A friend said he was annoyed because they hinted a sequel, but that wasn't the point of the ending. It wasn't a "check out part 2" ending, it was a recognition that your life doesn't end because one story ends.


I agree. I feel sequels ruin things.

Though she be but little, she is fierce.
-Middsummer Night's Dream


Lol and here I am scrolling along looking to see if they ever did do a sequel! I would watch it! I'm going to have to check out the books I guess. Good thing I'm a book work as well as a screen buff!


The writer, Simon Moore, has written a sequel (IIRC he was at one stage keeping it updated to account for the actors being older) but alas nothing has come to pass. Rumours circulate from time to time, but as yet nothing firm .

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


True, a sequel isn't strictly necessary, but the world and characters Simon Moore created are just so rich and fascinating, it would be a crying shame never to return to them! Every time I watch it with my family, they're like "when is a sequel going to be made? The ending had such a sequel hook, and it's so good, why haven't they made a sequel?!" And then I have to explain that it got really poor ratings, was ahead of its time, etc., etc.

I'm still hoping for a sequel, even if it's a book rather than a movie or miniseries.

But that said, yes, it has a beautiful ending.

Peter, is your social worker in that horse?


It's sad that the show never got a sequel. It would be cool to have one in some shape or form.
