How good is this movie?

I watched this movie the other day on TV purley by accident and totally fell in love with it. The girls all looked fantastic.

But the lack of success this movie recieved is just another indication that more mature female actresses are less likely to get parts.

I think this film should be shown to every woman if only to make them smile and feel good about themselves, as the girls in the movie so obviously do.



I really enjoyed this movie. It was a thrill seeing Shirley MacLaine, Debbie Reynolds, Elizabeth Taylor, and Joan Collins sharing the screen together, especially Liz and Debbie considering their history. I think this film could be a real time capsule someday...a reminder of what old Hollywood used to be like.



Liz's part is really short, when I saw it, i was a bit dissapointed. She's basically in three scenes, and her poor health required that she appeared sit on a couch for most of them. She plays the agent of the three other actresses, I only hope she would have been given more lines and room. The whole movie in general is not good, the script is quite poor, I was expecting something better from Carrie Fisher. It could have been much much better, the jokes and situations are so simple and predictable. It has a few good moments though, but not many. I'd say the best of the film is to see all those actresses from Hollywood's golden era starring together, but the poor story destroys any attempt from them to make it happen. Unless you are a fan of any of the actresses who appear on it, I wouldn't recommend you to watch it. Actually Elizabeth was the main reason I watched it and I was a bit sad to realize that she cannnot act properly anymore, but I missed her since the Flintstones, where she looked way better, so I could say it was worth, but not much. I don't think you'll find this on dvd after its failure. You can watch it on tape, but try to rent it, cause it's not worth buying.



I would agree with the assessment that it is worth seeing but not worth buying.


Excellent, stumbled on it by accident on Channel 5, what ashame its only on mid week in the daytime, well worth it though :-)


i saw it then too ^


Yes, it's pretty obvious they had to work around Liz's physical limitations here. This was decent entertainment, but it gets bogged down in melodrama a bit by the end. Still, the musical numbers make this worthwhile.


I loved this's very funny too


The musical numbers, yeah, but the rest is crap! So bad!


The lack of success of this movie has nothing to do with lack of respect for mature actresses. This film is just plain bad. That's all.


The more you know of the real lives of the four actresses, the more you'll enjoy it. I caught Shirley McClain's new age philosophy and the reference to her book, the allusion to Liz Taylor's stealing Eddy Fisher (Freddy Hunter..LOL) from Debby Reynolds, Debby's Las Vegas hotel and its burning, but am sure I missed a lot of other inside jokes.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies


I will add another reference: The story where Shirley informs her son that she is his real mother who faked the adoption is surely based on the real life story of Judy Lewis whose mother, Loretta Young, similarly faked her adoption after she was conceived by Young and her real father, Clark Gable! 1

Loretta was a single Catholic at the time of her affair and realized that if that story ever got out, it would have ruined her career.

Of course, there was both a gender and sexual orientation change for this version.
