I believe Sally Hemings

I believe that Thomas Jefferson fathered her children. I also think they should dig his body up and get this all straightened out! But who am I???

The Jefferson family will not agree to his body being exhumed because they know the story is true! With DNA test the mystery of history could be explained!


There have been quite a few DNA tests conducted; they are inconclusive, depending on who you choose to believe.

If you're interested in finding out more about this, go to Thomas Jefferson's wikipedia.org page (which is where I just spent some time). You should also check out Sally Hemmings's wiki page.


Well I tell you the truth. People don't want to know that one of their founding fathers, the great writer of Declaration of independence, the 3rd President of the United States, was nothing more than a no good pedophile. Sally in real life was only 14 years-old. Had this happen in this time he would be in jail and registered as a sex offender. That poor little girl whose pain was forever silenced by historians.



True but she was his slave. Do you really think she had a choice in the matter?

The world is full with unnecessary people. I attract angel, devil, epicureans and plan out idiots.



Indeed victims of abuse usually refuse help because this all they knew. Had she tried to run he would just sent catchers after her. Saddening really.

The world is full with unnecessary people. I attract angel, devil, epicureans and plan out idiots.




serioulsy what the hell? "the blacks" what kind of ish that ? as for your statements i could ask you the same damn thing. How do you know it wasnt rape? where you living back there during that time? Also your other ish has not a thing to do with what we were talking about all I hear are excuses and poor jefferson. smh what about Sally? You know what dont anwser me
"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out if I'm really alive." ~Spike Spiegel



"No they were not peados the age of marriage was very young back then and the age of death was VERY early like 35"

Jefferson lived to be 81. Benjamin Franklin died at 84. John Adams lived to be 90. George Washinton died at a relatively young 67.


No they were not peados the age of marriage was very young back then and the age of death was VERY early like 35

That is a misconception perpuated by kids books.

Yes there was no vaccinations like we have now but it was more common for a person to live to their early 70s than die in their 30s.

At the age of 14 some families promised marriage to other families but there were hardly any marriages at that age back then. People did the usual wait until the age of 18 schtick they do now. And yes there were paedophiles back then, if you don't think a 60 year old man wanting a 12/13/14 year old girl to marry him even though she doesn't want to is not paedophilia then you have the messed up mind.


Do you know how inappropriate it would be to "dig up" a former president??

There are good arguments for and against the validity of the argument, but Thomas Jefferson, an idealist and romantic, would never have "forced" himself on Sally. If the relationship did exist, it spanned over 30 years and was not a case of serial rape. =P




"The blacks" lol
