Anna Levine

I just watched this movie and while I found the plot a bit improbable, I really enjoyed it. The critics' focus on loneliness is interesting because while Emily, the older woman, definitely was lonely, I didn't find Bella to be extraordinarily so. It was more a sense of unfulfilment and awareness of her age. However. Anna Levine was terrifying. She was so emaciated that watching her walk, heels or no, made me nervous. At several points in the movie she asks if she is voluptuous, or if other characters think she is, and I laughed when she did. It was actually distracting.



Excellent actress! But yes, the boniness and plastic surgery were sad to see.


Indeed. It was hard to buy Anna as a working-class waitress with those lips ... those eyes ... those breasts. If she hasn't had plastic surgery, I regret this post, but she doesn't look like any 35-year-old women I see at the coffee shop, except the ones in movies. This film would have been better with a more believable and likable lead actress.
