MovieChat Forums > Shasta McNasty (1999) Discussion > Question about Name Change

Question about Name Change

I really enjoyed the series as a much needed comic relief among the growing reality and drama programming. This show was not the caliber of a Seinfeld or something, but it sure wasn't as vapid as V.I.P! :) Anyway, on to the question:

Did they really change the name of the series due to a copyright infringement or was it just a cheap ploy to gains viewers? If someone does know, it would be cool to put it in trivia section for the show. Thanks.


What name change? but now that I think about it didn't they change it from "Shasta McNasty" to "Shasta"?


Hi, I'm Jeff Eastin. I created Shasta. Why the name change? UPN felt the "McNasty" turned off too many potential viewers (most likely they were correct) so we toyed around with several names but finally settled on Shasta. It was a ploy to gain new viewers. I don't know how cheap it was; we had to reprint a lot of posters.


Jeff, you need to get this released on DVD please.

There's a lot of us dying to see these, some of us for the first time.



I would totally buy this on DVD if it came out, they have other shows that had fewer episodes, they should release this one. I liked the Vegas one!


Thanks for the info, Jeff! Didn't mean to be rude or anything. It's a shame enough viewers didn't get attracted to the show.


im 16 and I love it... even though it was all old reruns, I NEED THIS ON DVD!! I love that parrot haha


Thanks, Vegas was one of my favorite episodes -- and vastly underated I think -- inspired by those stupid coupon books my parents get constantly.

jeff eastin
creator - Shasta McNasty


it changed from shasta mcnasty to shasta due to a mexican restaurant sueing upn for copyright


no we didn't.

we changed it because UPN thought "McNasty" offended too many viewers.

jeff eastin
creator - Shasta McNasty


Hi, I'm jeff eastin, I created the show.

The name change was simple. UPN thought we'd turned off too many initial viewers with "McNasty" in the title (I think they're right) so they ask me to come up with something less offensive for the back 9 episodes. We made up the copyright infringement gag -- although there is a bar in Canada called "Filthy Mcnasties" that did inspire the title.

so, yeah, I guess it was a ploy to gain viewers. Was it a cheap ploy? You be the judge.

I always appreciate being compared to V.I.P. But what does "vapid" mean?



by - ICouldBeWrong (Fri Sep 23 2005 00:28:39)

I am a 26 year old woman, in lust with both these men (Ben Browder & Michael Shanks) I'm thrilled they're on the same show... and I'd love to be... Well... made into a sandwich... with them.

We all have dreams. This is mine!
are you a 26 year old woman, in a sex sandwich with 2 dudes, or r u jeff eastin, the shasta creator? did i miss something or what?


It's too bad that happened, I think 'Shasta McNasty' sounds better than just 'Shasta' - unfortunately the viewing audience can have their own prejudices.

If a dvd collection is released, I hope it's under the 'Shasta McNasty' label - seeing how it'll probably only have one collection put out.



this crap is so stupid! "McNasty" offends viewers?? how about McDonalds Burger- Big and Tasty(I call it the Big and Nasty) but Big and Tasty can be a sexual reference as well. I will admit that at first it sounded like a show about a man-whore, but the name wasnt offensive.

I never sleep because sleep is the cousin of death
