I just gotta say...

That I loved the show. It was utter crap, but I loved it anyway. But the costumes! The costumes were awesome!!!! If that's how people will be dressing in the year 2525 then I'm getting myself frozen to come back for some futuristic funky wardrobe action!!!!! I mean shoes with rockets on them!! How cool!!!!!!

If you don't quit drinking I'll have to explode myself! - Duff from Guns 'n' Roses' pancreas


Yeah I agree, I loved their costumes and I also love the look of the underworld. I love funky futuristic stuff like that. I love the whole look of the show.


Not to mention gauntlets that were capable of letting you freefall down very deep shafts in the underworld and saving you with the web extensions that would contract when you safely landed.
