Fondest moment

What was your favorite moment while playing the game (besides beating it)

I would have to say getting the grappling beam or when the metroid comes and saves you.


Seeing Samus suck me off.


When the statue eyes blast away, those ghosts out from each one. It gives hints as to what else could happen with them all in any future battles. Although people seem to not really pay attention to this part...


Seeing the Super Metroid, the HUGE one for the first time,
Seeing the HUGE Kraid,
See Mother Brain raising up on it's body!
The HYPER Beam!


I actually liked the introduction the best. Seeing the flashbacks from Metroid 1 and 2 was great. I also liked how in the very beginning, the whole place was deserted, and you saw Mother Brain's old glass container from Metroid 1. Very creepy.

I can see you right now in the kitchen, bending over a hot stove. But I can't see the stove.


The first time I did any of the special moves.

The Shine Spark or whatever, I did that completely by accident. So amazing.


The last Metroid is in captivity
The galaxy is at peace


I'd have to say the Wrecked Ship was my favorite moment. Before the Phantoon fight. The ghosts materializing at random really gave me the creeps.



Dunno but one example is when the baby metroid sucks the life out of that hopper and then goes for Samus but saves her RIGHT before she dies.

"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!"


-the first time you head into Brinstar, and as you head down the elevator, the strange music kicks in and you find yourself in a vastly different area
-the orchestrated theme music, one of the few video game themes that could be placed into a major feature film with no's that good
-the first time I beat Mother Brain and the escape sequence started, I almost freaked out from sheer panic



-Descent to lower Norfair
-Resurfacing on Crateria with the heroic music
-exploring the downed space ship

I think [the title of the latest Hollywood blockbuster] is the greatest movie ever made!

