An Ugly Area

I liked the movie and had an opportunity to visit Madison recently while on business in Indiana. The town, and the river looked dirty and old. The majority of the people were obese and looked like rude rejects from the 60's. I asked if they had any low fat meals, at a local restaurant, and this huge waitress looked at us like we from Mars! My husband and I are black and we also detected hints that that was not acceptable with the redneck populace.


I agree with you, and being from Madison I should know :)

It's defiantly not as nice as it looks in the movie, and I was actually an extra in the movie. Sorry for the bum time you had here.


I'm really sick of black americans pretending that racism still exists... except in its REVERSE form... blacks bigotted against whites. You detected 'hints' that being black was not acceptable? Baloney! You detected that people don't like it when others act superior, which clearly you were doing when you asked if there were 'lot fat' meals available. What, you couldn't read their menu? You got the look that waithelp reserve for people who act as though they are 'better' just because they aren't local.

Today I was thinking about the race issue (I'm from Hawai'i, we aren't prejudiced against other races. We only despise mainlanders. heh heh). So here's the thing... if a person has 1/16th african heritage and 15/16th swedish heritage... is s/he black, or white? The answer is obvious. The stupidity of racism is even more magnified when black americans pretend they are 'feeling it'. What a crock! But sure as heck the reverse is true if one is unlucky enough to travel on the east or south side of any town's MLK Blvd. (You really oughta worry about THAT conspiracy, as here's a truth... any white person knows better than to buy a home near an MLK Blvd. It's as though there was only ever one black person worth eulogizing... me, I prefer Sojourner Truth as a 'black icon' than MLK who was, after all, just a typical black preacher.)

As for obese people... you are acting like you think obesity is a new problem. And what does the remark about 'rude rejects from the 60's' mean??!? You were in a SMALL town in middle America. I doubt very much that anyone was wearing low-rider bellbottom jeans with 'gypsy-like' scarves wrapped around their heads nor that the black-americans had "Angela Davis" hairdos. So what IS a 'reject' from the 60's?

Obesity is a problem in most NON-'emerging countries' due to the fact that most people have sedentary lifestyles and overEAT. At least in the 60s if you were lucky enough to be a proponent of 'free love' you got laid enough that you didn't need to overeat in order to get a 'sensual experience'.

Madison the movie was just a 'family movie' not a 'work of art'. Get real, stop bashing a small town and a B-rate movie. I enjoyed it, and the Director of a very large company. I like to watch movies that are 'gentle' and tell a story. Who cares if there are mistakes in the scenarios, or background settings. Not me.

Life is a journey not a destination. Fear nothing.


Its very obvious that the creater of this thread would have very easily made up this post off the top of their head, and it is very, and I mean very, obvious they have never been to Madison. I live in Madison, IN and its nothing like they describe, I mean it doesnt take someone bright to give the name of a random town, in this case Madison, and make up stuff about it, and on top of that, it makes them, that being the rude person making up this stuff, look like a Jackass.

By the way, I bet the creator of this thread looks just like everything that they discribed.


i totally agree im from madtown(madison)im a vegitarian too so i am very hungry.we had A key word A store for vegitarians.of course it closed.i go into places to eat and ask for vegitarian menus(i no they dont have them ,i make fun of them in my mind)Madtown public schools are mean to the charter school kids.we have A huge rivalry.i go to a charter school.i think if you were to swim in the god-forsaken river you might come out with a third eye.i dont love madtown or hate it ...i just dislike madtown USA im not obese but yes most people are FAT


You can't spell. Are you sure you are in the USA?????


really i came to usa 3months do you feel about borat

bring you green hat


Nikkitameyers, I cannot believe you have the balls to genralize a place like that and act like Madison is the problem. I live in Madison and I'm not obese at all, nor is my family. I know PLENTY of people who are skinny here. There are some obese people everywhere. How dare you insult a town that much when you have only visited it once. You do not live here and you obviously didn't give it any chance. I'll admit it may not be the prettiest place ever but I have seen many more nastier places than Madison. Also, how dare you call the whole population of the town rednecks. That is racist in itself. You are obviously a very small minded person so I do not know why you think you have the right to call an entire town racist rednecks. That is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. You need to learn not to genralize a place, especially if you have only visited it once. Calling a town obese racist rejects from the 60's sounds pretty damn prejudice to me. Next time you want to insult something, make sure it's a little more specific and won't offend a whole town, of which you know very little.


I live in Hanover (which is about 5-10 minutes away from Madison) and I laughed out loud when I read this thread. Everyone obese? HA! Thats hilarious. Most of the people I know who live in Madison are plenty thin! And as for the low fat meals story, what did you do? Walk into Hinkles and ask for a low-fat meal?

Ah, well. Whats life without a few dragons?

