The yanks strike again

Why can't you lot just think of our own ides why is that so hard. Leave our stuff alone.

*insert worthless quote here*


I keep hearing this sentiment and it is embarrassing.

For all we know most of what went wrong on this film was down to the Brit(t)s.

The US has a huge creative output and some of it is quite good. Even the big studios make an original film from time to time.


We tried doing that, but, you know...with WW II and saving your butts and all, we feel it's our duty to rip off lame shows like Mr. Thomas Tank.


brainwashed much XD

*insert worthless quote here*


Right, sorry...I forgot. Hitler was knocking on our doorsteps. My mistake. And if you believe that one, there really is a tooth fairy. Sadly, the tooth fairy is none other then Alex Baldwin, I hope he awakens you in your sleep with his big hairy chest stuffed in a pink tutu.


LMAO you're teachers must stuff your brains (if you have any) with absolute sensulised crap you idiotic brainwashed moron

*insert worthless quote here*


Sorry, but no. Having family members who served during the war helped illuminate history. Nothing like eye witness reports. You can go back to feeling inadequate, it's understandable.


LOL most of the world hates the Americans. You know why? because of your crappy attitudes.

*insert worthless quote here*


<<LOL most of the world hates the Americans. You know why? because of your crappy attitudes.>>

And the British are adored throughout the world.


Of course :)

u lookin at me or are u chewing a brick? either way you're gonna lose some teeth


Hey, it's really in bad taste to have a political discussion on a Thomas the Tank Engine discussion board.

Sir Topham Hatt would be very cross.


The fat controller!

*insert worthless quote here*


HAHAHAHAH. I read this whole thing and laughed.


its true though, americans have totally trashed thomas the tank engine this film was pathetic.

its even worse their stealing harry potter!!
