which one?

My friends and I have talked about this and we all have different opinions on who is the prettiest. So I wanna hear your opinion.
I vote for Lisa


Jefferson ... but that might just be b'cause I like Dominique Swain.


i think either Busy Philipps (Karen) or Keri Lynn Pratt (Lisa) was the prettiest... i didnt think dominiqu swain (jefferson) was that pretty

i smile because i don't have any idea of whats going on...sn: xXxmushr00mxXx


Easily, i'd go for Lincoln (Thora Birch)

but if i have to go for one of the three, it'd be dominique swain


what, is everyone on here 10 years old? WHO CARES!


Yeah I'm 10, I better type fast before my older brother kicks me off his computer....yeesh. Busy was the hottest, Dominique Swain is a tw*t and so is that other Lisa quiet passive beeotch chick. Lincoln's character and wardrobe wasn't very flattering for Thora so no, she doesn't win hottest chick.


It's definitely gotta be Jefferson.

If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will. -Abraham Lincoln




I think Jefferson is beautiful. Lisa is pretty but her eyes are weird...I dunno. And I love Karen but I just don't think she's "pretty"...she's hot because of her attitude but not pretty.

And as for Lincoln...she's...well...odd. lol all that random make-up and what not...I don't know. Didn't find her particularly attractive, but that's just me (as a heterosexual female, that is).


Keri Lynn Pratt wins easily. She is by far the prettiest and has the best bod (unless you like biggun's and goth chicks and then you go for Thora Birch). Dominique Swain's alright but is a little flat for her height and lacks a certain special something, but Busy Philips looked like Kelly Osborne with that wig on, and like Pink with it off - a bit vulgar and a propensity to get bigger.


Busy was the hottest and prettiest hands down!!
although dominique is really pretty too, i'd pick busy in a heartbeat

No such thing as a beautiful goodbye or an ordinary day...



The prettiest? I don't know, however in the movie I found myself oddly attracted to Jefferson (Dominique Swain).
I thought the scene(s) when she's at the musician's place were interesting and funny, and she was cute.

There had to be a good reason why he was passing up the opportunity.


i think joel west is the prettiest of the whole cast. he probably thinks so too. lol
