rape scene

is the rape scene effective?


O, hellz yeh!!!!1!!1!1!!!.

I felt for her.



To the review that was on the front page, THIS is the gem I found when I decided to get a random movie off the shelf.


the rape scene actually made me cry... honestly.. i was stunned.. i didn't see it coming and i can't believe that the driver just sat there. *sshole

.::.(i)hope some(<3)thing eats (you).::.


mildly. It would have been more effective had the film been darker in tone.


the rape scene came out of nowhere for me.and the fact that the driver sat there smoking...wow.my mouth was open in shock and a tad bit horror the wntire time


i totally agree with you. when i first saw that part i was like "why is the driver just sitting there watching instead of trying to help her?"

~you collect ships, i collect souls and when i fill my quota i'll send the boatload home
- Jack Ferriman

Anitra Wilson


Yeah, I normally don't yell things at movies (becuase they can't hear me..xD) but I did.

"Help her you D*ck! WHAT THE EFF!"


I was like "WHATTHEFLIP? Why is he just sitting there and watching?" Maybe he enjoys it?


it shows that she got too sure of herself.... she wasnt as powerful as she was thinking she was.... and it backfired on her.


yeah she got cocky, but that doesnt mean its ok for her to be raped.
* theres no need to call me 'sir',professor *


i dont care how "full of herself" she got. that scene was heart-wrenching. i first watched it with one of my best friends... && we both have had close encounters.. && we just cried. it became 'our' movie very quickly.

the rape scene just verified karen's point from the beginning. guys have so much power over females when it comes to sex. if they want it.. they can take it easier than we can.

&& when she tried to pull the gun on him... it just kind of showed that.. karen thought she was taking some power back && she didnt have the upper hand in the situation.

we just need to be more careful not surround ourselves with things like that.

as for the driver. as disgusted as he made me.
i can only imagine that he was making A LOT of money to just sit there.
you know?

i mean. im a stubborn bitch && my morals would come between me && watching anyone get hurt... but he was being a bastard && thinking about his paycheck.

[if [i] were in karens shoes.. i wouldve hopped the first red eye to NYC && gotten ahold of stabler && benson.. they wouldve taken care of me]
.(i) hope some(<3)thing eats (you).


The reason why they started fooling around with the gun was to empower themselves, yet when she is raped on the limo hood, it just underscores her lack of power and vulnerabilty to the abuse of males.

Also, if you are going to point a gun at someone, you must be willing to use it and also have it loaded, otherwise you just piss people off.


This seemed very intense for me
Busy did a great job and I thought it was very effective


Who was raped? Thora?


Watch the movie, Dork or Perv-perv (you are one of them for asking such a question...because it is the internet, I would guess the latter).


Did you really just encourage him to watch this crappy movie?

