
i watched the first episode of this show on comcast and i was laughing at how rediculous it was. some school has a magic upsidedown castle hidden inside of it and no one thinks it's weird. the student counsil fight each other with swords and roses and are all magical and stuff that's not what student council is.

this show is stupid and because of how noncensical this show is i hate it.

The Last *beep* On Earth, featuring Tom Hanks


You spelled "ridiculous" wrong...

Did you just watch that one episode or did you watch anymore?

BTW:If your an Eva fan,you would have enjoyed this series more.It's has tons of symbolism and shouldn't be viewed as just a Shoujo series like say,"Sailor Moon".The same way Eva shouldn't be viewed as just "another Giant Robot series".

"The Absolute Destiny:Apocalypse"
-Shoujo Kakumei Utena-


i only saw the first

The Last *beep* On Earth, featuring Tom Hanks


The series starts slow and sort of generic, but it gets real dark, real quick round about episode 13/14 (seriously, it's like Ikuhara reaches into your skull and *punches your brain*). Give episode 7 a shot - that was the hook that kept me watching long enough for it to get good.



I love Episode 7!Juri is such a fasinating Character.

"The Absolute Destiny:Apocalypse"
-Shoujo Kakumei Utena-


You should try watching a few more episodes. I remember when I stumbled upon this series. I don't know how, but I just fell in love with it. Partially because Utena was a tomboy and so was I. I'm still kinda am but that's another story. So I instantly liked it no matter how weird the series were.

And I couldn't stop watching it. But seriously, try to watch a couple more episodes before you totally put it off.


get you're penis' out of this show and watch GANTZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




you'rejust to dumb to understand it




no. this show is just retarded. it has kids in a frikin' high scholl fighting each other with god stinkin' swords and talking about roses and floating castles in the sky and stupid princes and crap. they are in a stinkin' school, the whole story does not fit in a stinkin' high school.




i recomend Scarface




There is no possible way you can judge any show on just it's first episode.You want to know why the "crap" doesn't fit with high school?It's a freakin' fictional show based on metaphysics and post-modern fairy tales!But ofcourse I'm guessing you don't have an open enough mind to enjoy a show that makes you think!I've watched the show multiple times over the last 8 years and I'm still noticing new things about the show.THAT'S what kind of show this is!Not an ultra violent porn anime that numbs your senses and gives you no story and lack of character development!

"If you're strong you live,if you're weak you die!"
~Sojiro Seta from "Rurouni Kenshin"~


gantz kicks this show in the balls



