Mikage's Swan Song

I have bought three Utena soundtracks so far and not one of them has had the song that played when she dueled Souji Mikage-- "I am an Imaginary Living Body". Does anyone know where I can find a CD with this song on it???

"Insert witty quote here."


"I Am An Imaginary Living Body" is on OST 3, which for some reason hasn't been released overseas like the other soundtracks have been. Your best bet would be to try and find an import copy.

~ I wonder if there's beer on the sun? ~


OST3, huh? *fervently burns it into brain*

Thanks so much for the info!

"Insert witty quote here."


You're welcome! If you want to see the tracklist/cover image, you can find both here:


Good luck finding it - it's got some fantastic music on it, and it's definitely worth the money.

~ I wonder if there's beer on the sun? ~
