Utena *beep*

I love this show. I started it in 98 and finished it last night (August 2007).

I love how beautiful it is and how it plays with shojo and anime motifs. It saddens me that some people just don't get it.

I think the series plays with the viewer's expectations of the anime fan (and non anime fan).

Any thoughts on this, or am I alone on this?


I love the fact that it's one of the few shows in any medium that benefits with each viewing.

Even after finishing the series years ago,I'm still discovering things hidden within each episode.

"A-B-C-D-E-F...Cookie Monster!"

"Cookie Monster isn't a letter of the Alphabet"


(I think the series plays with the viewer's expectations of the anime fan (and non anime fan).)

Very true, Utena is a very subversive take on the magical girl genre that takes familiar elements to strange and new places. It’s a title I love experiencing over and over again. There’s a lot to get out of it.

"In the shadows of future passed the magician longs to see, one chants out between two worlds: fire walk with me"
