MovieChat Forums > Shôjo kakumei Utena (1997) Discussion > CAN ANYBODY tell me what these hings mea...

CAN ANYBODY tell me what these hings mean!?!

What does the stopwatch that Miki has mean? He is always clicking it at a precise time, or when something happents, but I have been unable to figure out what it means.

And what's up with the random baloons?

And what about the spinning roses. Sometimes they even appear to cover up something, like a censor or something

Thanks a bunch ^_~


-There's two ways to explain the stopwatch:

1)It's just a random quirk Miki has

2)Ikuhara(The series director) more or less,used it as an inside to help time scenes,dialogue and cut aways.If you actually go back and time,say,Togua delievering a line,it matches perfectly.

-Random balloons?What are you talking about?

-The spinning roses are a visual for each of the characters.Each of their rose colors are directly related to their personality/nature.Just to name afew...

Utena/The Prince/Dios(White Rose)- Nobility,Purity,hope,light
Touga(Red)- Passion,love,sex,leadership
Saionji(Aqua Green)- Aggression,envy,coldness,corruption
Miki(Lavender/Light Blue)- Peace,harmony,tranquillity,calmness
Juri(Orange/Coral)- Flamboyance,aggression,arrogance,desire

Whenever a spinning rose covers or appears,either that character or that trait related to the rose color/character is being effected.The white rose appearing on Utena the first time Dios posses her body during the 2nd duel is a good example.

Let me know if you have anymore questions.I've been breaking down the more odd FAQs of Utena for years and I quite enjoy it

Remember when Randy Orton RKO'ed Triple H and then he had sex with his unconscious body? *_*


You.Are.Amazing! Thank you! I will definitely be asking more questions lol

Such as:

1. Is Utena really a magical series or is the anime just one big metaphor for teenage angst? Is it true that the show is a symbol/representation of growing up?

2. Did Utena die at the end? What was the ending about? or was it just a metaphor for the above question?

3. What was with Akio and the car sequence?

4. Mikage and Nemuro...they look a lot like Anthy and Utena. Any reason why?

5. Also in the Mikage/Nemuro part, there was a random hand pointing at stuff and beeping. (Like a finger would be pointing at the cat) I never could figure out what it was trying to get us to recognize...O_o

6. I don't mean to sound perverted, but did Touga and Akio have....relations? There were so many instances where they would just flop on the bed with their clothes open, talking to each other or there would be random bedroom curtains blowing in the

7.Why was the castle upside down?

Thanks again! I REALLY love this series, but I know it would be so much more enriching if I could figure out ALL the symbolism. Glad somebody here knows their stuff ^_^


No problem.It's always great to have someone interested in the deeper meanings of Utena.

Alright,from the top...

1)More or less,Utena falls into the "Shoujo" or maybe even,the "Magic Girl" category.However,the creators and some fans describe it as a "Post-Modern Fairy Tale".But yeah,it's really about growing up,going from childhood into adulthood.You could also claim it's about challenging ones destiny.In this case,Utena becoming a Prince,instead of a Princess like all the other girls.There's alot more possible themes to what the shows saying,but these are just afew examples.Just like Evangelion being more then just a Giant Robot show,Utena is alot more then just a Magic Girl show.

2)It depends.The random girls talking offscreen near the end of the last episode gave some possible conclusions.Her getting injuried,or expelled,or transfering.It depends on how you want to read into it.
The same goes for the real meaning of the ending.Utena became the Prince.Utena failed.Utena was killed.Utena completed her task and want to heaven.They all work.

3)Hahahaa!Akio Car!I've always loved his Car.Anyway,many years ago,someone told me Akio's Car is similar to Apollo's Chariot(?).Why you're in it,you can go anywhere and see anything.If yoy recall in the series,Akio's Car shows up pretty much any and everywhere.And he usually takes Touga and what ever Duelist they want to F-up to the Ends of the World(aka:The Truth/Absolute Truth)

4)Oooooooh,next to Juri and Ruka,Mikage's one of my fave characters in the show.I'll give you the short version of the answer:Duality.Utena and Mikage are both similar characters.The main trait,isthat both of their lives were changed by one important moment:Utena meeting the Prince and Mikage meeting Mamiya.I could go on,but I'd run out of space.If you want a more detailed analyis on Mikage and/or The Black Rose Saga,you should check out this site one of my friends put up years ago:

5)...I have no idea...Uh,they wanted us to notice the Cats?

6)Yes.But it wasn't about sex,it was more about power.Or really the position of power.Akio had Touga under his control through sex,just as Akio did with Utena late in the series.

7)Two possible reason(there could be more since I really never though about it)...
(1)The projector was beaming the image up onto the ceiling,so it appeared upside down.
(2)Metaphor for the reversal of both gender and the fairy tale type story itself

Remember when Randy Orton RKO'ed Triple H and then he had sex with his unconscious body? *_*


Thanks for the website. It's awesome :D How long did it take for you to really understand the story? I'm re-watching it for the second time. Well, here's round three: ^_^

1)This question is just more out of curiosity: In your opinion, what do you think ChuChu is lol?

2)Why does Akio use sex, of all things, to establish power? and what does how does that issue fit into the theme of this story? I can't think of hardly ANYONE that he hasn't a) had sex with or b) TRIED to have sex with lol

3)Why does Akio refer to himself as "End of the World?"

4)WHAT IN GOD'S NAME is wrong with Anthy? Why does she take so much crap off of people? And I'm not just talking about who she's engaged to. I'm referring to EVERYONE else in the school! People just walk up to her and slap her out of nowhere! I was so glad in the episode when she and Utena switched places b/c at least, if only in appearance, Anthy was fighting back!

5) Are Utena and Anthy in love? I knew that they were close in the series, but perhaps the movie's representation of Utena and Anthy as lovers has warped my view...

6) How closely related to the series is the movie anyway? And why would they want to FURTHER confuse and already confusing show?

7) Why the rose motif? Are the roses everywhere simply because this is a shoujo series or do they have a deeper meaning?

8)The songs during the duels....ummm....yeah....Some songs I can kind of get the basic picture, but others seem completely meaningless. lol what do ammorites and prehistoric creatures have to do with the apocalypse? In fact what does the apocalypse have to do with this series?

9)If the show is essentially about the transition from adolescence to adulthood, what is the meaning of the Prince, and Rosebride and her duty to "take the millions of swords of hatred" for him?

10)You listed some possible conclusions to the series, but I would like to know what your opinion is to what happened to Utena at the end.

11) Also in the end, when Utena tries to save Anthy, she lets her go and Anthy falls. Utena claims that she was unable to save Anty. If that is the case, how was Anty freed at the end? She leaves the academy and tells Akio to shove it and everything! lol

Wow..I hadn't realized I asked so many questions...Please let me know if this is like, overhaul. I won't ask so many at a time. Thanks again!


Actually,I discovered the series back when it was being released on VHS,so there was plenty of time to rewatch those first 13 episodes.Later on,during the 3 year wait for the series being commercially released,I picked up the fansubs and watched those to death.Some of it made sense after finishing the series,but it made even more sense rewatching the entire series from start to finish.But the great thing is,it's so multilayered,theres tons of stuff I'm still discovering.

1)The straight forward answer: A Monkey Mouse(Or a Midget Monkey).The more twisted answer:He's Anthy and Akio's pawn in setting up the Duelists(especially Utena) into fighting.

2)To most people,sex equals adulthood.Most of the characters are innocent or just ignorant to the truth behind the duels,Ends of the World,etc.Akio sets the duelists to fight,and then slowly twists them via other sources(Mikage,Shiori,Kozue,etc.)Then,the "truth" about Akio is revealed,and all hell breaks loose.

3)I'm guessing "Ends of the World" have different meanings.The revolution,evolving,etc.I think, Akio calls himself "Ends of the World" is because in his mind,he's the absolute final truth.Nothing else matters but his objectives.

4)It's linked,in a way,to what Anthy did to Dios in the past.She was the selfish one who wanted the Prince all for herself,but it resulted in the people of the world "killing" her.And since the Prince,up until the end of the series,was locked away,everyone hates her...and she lets them mistreat her because in a way,she believes she deserves it.

5)In the series,no.In the movie...YES(LOL).Anyway,through the run of the series,Utena and Anthy form a relationship that isn't about sex.Love?Yes they do,but I don't believe it's the love most people think of.

6)I'm gonna save this one for a seperate post since it's gonna be a long one.

7)Actually,flowers and plants are the themes that (almost) out weigh roses.Most of the main characters have flower/plant related names... what they actually mean and how that fits the story...well,that requires abit more research on my part.

8)Hahaa,the duel songs.Yeah...they can be tricky.But they do have deep meanings that relate to duel itself.I'll try to give you some examples when I have the time.

I'll finish the other ones when I have more time(and more space on here)

Remember when Randy Orton RKO'ed Triple H and then he had sex with his unconscious body? *_*


Hahahaha! It's okay. I totally understand, and please take your time. lol I knew I asked too many questions in that post ~_~ (sorry about that...), but I'll be patiently awaiting your answers. I'll check back here every few days or so ^_~

The more I watch Utena, the more I realize this isn't a kid's show at all! A lot of the themes and issues of this story requires college-level analysis! lol Every time I read a character analysis on an Utena website (, I feel like I'm reading someone's mid-term paper because of the depth of the material. That, and the fact that you even must have knowledge of the things that the show refers to (i.e. Flowers, various psychoanalytical processes, greek mythology, life in general!, etc) to fully grasp the story. It's as you stated, VERY multi-layered and I see why there would be a need for further research. When I was younger and I watched the show, I just watched it for the pretty princesses, the music, beautiful artwork, and of course, the awesome duels lol! Who would have thought a cartoon could have such substance? :) *sigh* They don't make animes like that anymore...


Alright,time to answer your remaining questions...

9)If the show is essentially about the transition from adolescence to adulthood, what is the meaning of the Prince, and Rosebride and her duty to "take the millions of swords of hatred" for him?

Hard to say.I'm guessing the idea of "The Prince" is rooted in childhood.The main objective of Akio was to regain the Power of Dios and become The Prince for all eternity.He's aiming for a childhood dream instead of moving on.Utena was stuck,mentally,in Ohtori/The World by simply trying to become a Prince.The Rosebride might be similar as well.The Swords are really the people of the world "attacking" the person who sealed the Prince: Anthy.More on this during the answer to question #10...

10)You listed some possible conclusions to the series, but I would like to know what your opinion is to what happened to Utena at the end.

Okay,here is what I believe happened to Utena...
After all the duels and rejecting Akio,Utena challenges Akio to a duel to free Anthy.Later on during the duel,Akio,worried,asks Utena if she knows what she's saying(About freeing Anthy).She proundly claims she WILL become the Prince.And this is what I think happens at this point:She DOES become the Prince[ex: The "Tomb" of the Prince shatters because the dead Prince is released].

However,Anthy is in denile and literally,stabs Utena in the back[similar to how she betrayed the Prince the first time by locking him away from the rest of the world].Thinking he can open the Doors to the Revolution,Akio takes the sword and slashs at it,causing Utena great pain(Another sign she's the Prince).Knowing Anthy will be trapped forever if she doesn't do something,Utena presses on and forces Anthy's Coffin[Her imprisonment from Akio,her mind,body,etc.].And to complete this answer and #11...

11) Also in the end, when Utena tries to save Anthy, she lets her go and Anthy falls. Utena claims that she was unable to save Anty. If that is the case, how was Anty freed at the end? She leaves the academy and tells Akio to shove it and everything! lol

...As Utena reaches out to Anthy(The REAL Anthy) in the coffin,she touches her hand(Passing on Utena's nobility,perhaps?).Now,the coffin falling from the sky,on a metaphysical sense,could mean Anthy has fallen from the Tower[The fake,projected world] to the real,adult world.Similar to Anthy stabbing her,Utena is in denile about "saving" Anthy...but she has.Now,this is my opinion,but I think Utena,as the new Prince,was sealed.However,since the swords destroyed the projecter,and there's no tomb,her spirit transcended and when to the real world.

Remember when Randy Orton RKO'ed Triple H and then he had sex with his unconscious body? *_*


Wow...that was beautiful lol. Well, I guess that answers everything for now. ^_^ Your viewpoint on what happens at the end makes a lot more sense than some of the others that I have read. It makes more sense to think of the ending as a series of metaphorical events.

Oh wait! I do have TWO more question about the ending. Why do you think Anthy went in search of Utena in the end and where do you think Utena might be? And how much of the show do you think was literal vs what was meant to be metaphor?(Okay, maybe that was three, but you get the point lol ~_~)



Why do you think Anthy went in search of Utena in the end and where do you think Utena might be?

Anthy is now the indepedent one who was touched by Utena.She's living her life by her own will.I'm guessing Anthy is hoping to be like Utena and "find" her.

And how much of the show do you think was literal vs what was meant to be metaphor?

To be honest,I think the entire show was metaphor/non-literal.The way I view it,every visual we saw HAD a purpose.Also,most lines in the show could be broken down to the point that you knew exactly what a person was really trying to say.A random example is the Ruka episodes.The screen shots where it shows chairs or Juri,Ruka,or Shiori sitting in chairs tell us where each character stands within their relationships with each other.Later on,during the "Ruka kisses Juri scene",their dialogue tells us both their anger for one other and their possible sexual tension.

Oh yeah,here's your answer to a question I skipped during an earlier post...

6) How closely related to the series is the movie anyway? And why would they want to FURTHER confuse and already confusing show?

Most people will tell you either,the movie is a retelling,remake, or pseudo-sequel.IMHO,the movie is actually the same story as the show,just trimmed to one 90 minute movie vs. a 39 episode series.The real difference is the ending.More so,Utena and Anthy "escape" together to the real/outside/their born world.What makes everything (more) confusing,is that you could actually argue that: 1)Everyone in Ohtori is dead and in limbo
2)Everything happening in Ohtori up until Utena and Anthy "escape"[The point they rip through Akio and ride away on the...motor...uh,thing[I want to say bike or scooter,but it doesn't really look like it] is happening in their heads.

If you don't have the movie on DVD,try to pick it up.The director's commentary really fasinating...ofcourse,Ikuhara doesn't give a straight answer about the car chase at the end(To help add more confusion,I guess ^_^ )

Remember when Randy Orton RKO'ed Triple H and then he had sex with his unconscious body? *_*


lol I totally forgot about that question! Thanks for going back to it :). Well, I can finally say that my quest for the analyzation of the most difficult Utena symbolisms is OVER!!!!! ^_^ With those questions answered I think I can definitely figure out the rest of the show by myself lol. As always, thanks for your helpful explanations and viewpoints and perhaps our Q&A will help someone else who reads this forum (because I know I just CAN'T be the only one asking these questions haha ;D)

Take care!


i have a question for you: in the black rose arc mikage encounters a girl named chida sent by the board. i wonder if she is the reflection of chu-chu (cats that gather at her window , the butterfly, etc, things pointed by the finger). at first it was very strange because i didn/t find any connection between them. but now i think that the black rose arc is the mirror reflection of the story of utena until then. sorry for my exppresion but english is my second language
