Would you do it?

Knowing the dangers of time travel, the possibility of unwanted outcomes, re-making or destroying the “known” universe, paradoxes and “never” coming back again as this movie illustrates. Would you still make the trip? And why would you do it?


I would make the trip in a heartbeat. The opportunity to mend broken hearts would be too much to resist!
Having checks left over does NOT mean you have money left over!


Me too...in a second, I wouldn't even have to think about it...but I'm not sure where I'd want to time travel to, except it would be amazing to stop a disaster...although I don't think anyone would believe you...!!!...Seriously though I wish I'd spent more quality time with parents & other loved ones instead of just taking life for granted...so I think I'd travel back just to talk to people that I really miss.

"I cannot live without my life! I cannot die without my soul".... Heathcliff


Hell yeah. I'd go back in time and execute the Beatles before they ever cut a record deal.


I would go back to cavemen times, when law didnt exist and if u see a chick all u do is say unga bunga take her to the cave and she is yours >:)
I know i know im a baaaaaaaaad boy!


I'd admit I would be reluctant because I believe in multiple universe theory. Say you want to go back and just change something small. Like talking to some girl or staying with a girlfriend. What if instead of returning to your "present and things are different you return to you time/universe and things are the same.

You would have to stay in that timeline to view the changes.

I would use to to see historic moments in time or to catch criminals (you see them commit the crime and then where the dump the body or evidence and come back to your present and phone in anonymous tips.


What if you wind up with half your brain in one timeline and half in another?
What if you get caught in a paradox and have to go 'round and 'round forever like in Groundhog Day, but no exit even if you do get it right?
Some of these "opportunities" are offered because they can get fools to go that way.
Like being a Shuttle astronaut. They put the 'nauts in, shut the door, and then everybody else backs off. Know how far? THREE MILES. Guess why? Cause there's enough energy in the stack to blow it to kingdom come. And the chance of disaster is estimated at 1% (confirmed by 2 disasters in less than 200 launches). Yet they can get plenty of fools to go.


I would love to make some trips to the past... just to watch, not trying to alter anything... re-live some of my personal magic moments...

And one thing, a little silly, perhaps, but this is the way I am...

If I could go back along my own timeline there are lots of points in time I remember forever since and regret it happened when I was too small to help out.

Like seeing a lonely woman beside a car broken down on the side of a road from a bus when I was like fourteen and knew nothing about cars, lots of times women neighbors couldn´t get their cars started on the parking lot when I was a small kid... and other kinds of stuff - basically those things I was too young and small to know how to help when they happened.

It would be quite cool to go back to help at least some of those, just in passing, if I was just out there visiting anyway... :-D

But then again, I guess I would alter history every single time. I assume and hope that all of those people have gotten some help sooner or later by someone else... *smiles*


Wanting to go back in time to help people isn't silly to me, in fact I'd do just that if I could.

The first thing I'd do would be to yell at an uncle of mine, who was physically and verbally abusive to his wife and son. Wish I could've said something then but somehow I didn't, and this stands as one of the greatest shames in my life. :'(

Secondly I'd report another uncle of mine, who bullied me when I was little and made me believe it was just humour, and who used the same scheme years later to try and assault me when I was a teen.

There are many other things I'd like to put right, but the last thing on my list would be to step right in between John Lennon and his murderer, at the very moment the shots were fired. That's the way I'd like to die.


I'd go back alright.

Imagine seeing a real-life joust in the middle ages? An experience one could never forget.

"Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs..."

-Die Hard (1988)


I would definitely do it. The reason is that I don't like the time we live in. I'd maybe travel back to the middle ages or the 17th/18th century.
But I think even in the 70s the world was as well still better than today...


You do know that the Middle Aages was a barbaric time of warlords and plagues?

The 1970s had great movies but the Vietnam war and an oil crisis.

How are any of those periods better than the early 21st century?

And I'll do anythin' you ever dreamed to be complete. Little pieces of the nothin' that fall...


Hell yeah, I'd go back in time to my college days and re-live'em all over again, but this time I'd smoke more weed, drink more malt liquor and make sure to hook up with all the girls I wanted to back then but never took a shot at

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


I have often thought of this idea. I would go back 30 years and invest in stocks and real estate that I knew would make me millions by now! And on a more self indulgent note, I would relive some of the best times of my life. I'd also ask my grandparents more questions about their lives,etc instead of taking so much for granted as a kid. I would also take better care of my health, so I wouldn't end up such a mess at this age!


Seems that the majority on here answer in the affirmative about going back in time but all of them are pointing out some things they'd change or relive yet they have ignored your comment about the dangers or consequences. One doesn't know what bad things would happen to you if you went to the past or how it would change your future even worst. That would be the fear and danger.

The one post about going to visit but not actually be there I agree with Id love to go back and watch myself as a child or see things i didn't see in the past, watch people of different times, see my own father and grandfather when they were young. That would be so cool to actually watch family history. Even finding great great great grandparents in their time and seeing what they were like in their time.

Of course it would be great to talk and visit with them if you could but without the fear that it can alter your future.


I would go back to the 70's invest in a computer business called Microsoft in New Mexico, then pop to the 90's and invest in Google and Yahoo, on my way home drop into about 2004-05 and give Mark Zuckerberg enough money for him to call his idea Fozzbook...
