best music

this is a very strange game, but i love the music.

still think that super mario 3 is a better game, but it´s something about this game..... strange.....


I agree. the music at the beginning was awesome, but the game altogether was weird...


i was playing it not too long ago and i was thinking the same thing. the music is deadly.


Anyone loves the underground music? I do.

Most people think it is absurdly repetitive though :(


I agree. I like the underground theme.

"There's always a place for God's creatures...right next to the potatoes and gravy!"


Underground music kicks ass. I agree that the game is weird, but that is why I like it.


music incredible, can still hear every note in my head and haven't played it for probably about 23 years lol

"...Hey, at least now we know when the next train was due"
