To Ariane 19

You're not the Ariane Chapman from the Firecracker credits, are you?

Send me photos of pregnant bellys and yummy mummys!


If she's not the art director, she's almost certainly somebody who worked on the film, which sort of compromises any objectivity she might have wanted in her reviews.
If you look at her comments, she knows a lot of behind the scenes info, information on the making of the film, has inside info on who was cast and why, etc.

She was posting on the Wamego board too, with more glowing reviews. When I started a thread saying that people working on the film should disclose their possible conflicts of interest if they worked on the film as a courtesy for their viewers, she replied "I think you should disclose YOUR ties to the filmmakers. Go on, be a grown up," but failed to say whether or not she was part of the filmmaking team. And of course, I have never met or worked with Steve Balderson.

I don't know why the filmmakers are so terrified of people criticizing their film. Perhaps some people are going too far and being malicious, but how do Balderson and his pals expect to become better filmmakers if they can't deal with bad reactions to their work and use that to progress to making their next project better?



This person private messaged me and chastised me for insulting balderson than tried to buy me off with a free DVD.

It is a fearful thing to love what death can touch.


I didn't yell at you. I told you to send me your address so I could send you the new dvd. "Wamego Strikes Back" has all the deleted scenes and outtakes from Firecracker on it. Since you're a Patton fan I thought you'd get a kick out of it. take it or leave it. My friends and I like to treat people with kindness. All people. Even people like you.

I've admitted working for Steve in the past but no, I didn't work on the movie.


I'm a Patton fan! I'll take it LOL!

It's always funny, until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious!



I'd like to see it! If he doesn't want it, can I have it?
