Much Better than Expected!

I just got the Exorcist blu-Ray set and gave this a go to compare against Dominion. It's actually quite a bit better than I expected. There were some definite problems but overall it was a good story. I liked the showdown with the Demon in the tunnels. No, it wasn't very scary and had some oddly action-oriented moments, but it was entertaining. There were some interesting pacing choices with things in the middle happening with such rapidity that it was getting hard to process one atrocity before another occurred. All the same, it wasn't the horrible, atrocious, Ewe Boll level of badness I was expecting. I didn't expect something that matched the tone of the original, which I do hope for with Dominion. Looking forward to a comparison of the original Exorcist and the Directors Cut next! Saving Dominion for after Exorcist III.

I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.


If you didn't regret sitting through it and thought it wasn't a waste of your time, then that's all that ever matters with movies, I enjoyed it for what its worth, a more gory adaption of a prequel of a movie (The Exorcist) that can never be beaten, or one up'ed. The Exorcist IMO is the perfect horror film and this was just a fun little ride not the roller coaster the original is, but you enjoyed it so you win.
