Saving crew members...

Even though the story line of ST:Voy:EF was linear, there were at least two occasions were you (Ensign Alex) could prevent the death of a crew member (even though it didn't have any impact on the story in general).


The first time is right in the beginning, when you have to activate a forcefield to contain an explosion on board Voyager, as you make your way towards Engineering. If you activate the forcefield too soon, you'll trap the fleeing engineer and he'll die right before your eyes. If you activate it at the right time, you'll save the engineer and yourself. And if you're too late, you'll die.

The survival of the engineer is not necessary for thew story, but optional.

The second time: Les Foster (the leader of the Hazard Team) is abducted by the Borg. You CAN save him during your trip on the Borg Cube (with 7 of 9) if you figure out how to get to Foster in time. It has no impact on the story, but it is one more life saved.

Does anyone know other moments in the game like this? (Where you can do something optional, but which isn't required to finish the game?)


I've done bothe of those and don;'t know of any others. I even tired to save Beezman because I killed of all but like three of the aliens but in the video scene there were automatically a whole bunch. Actually Beezman had saved me earlier when all I had was a basic Phaser.

Same thing we do every night try to take over the world


You can also save Nelson, O'Dell, and Csatlos. You save O'Dell by being quiet on the Klingon ship Hint: You can use the secondary weapon on the phaser rifle to kill Klingons when there aren't any other around, or they're asleep. You'll find O'Dell injured, but alive, later in the Hirogen part.

You can save Nelson by shooting the first Borg that transports right after he yells, "Cover me!" Use the secondary blast from the I-Mod, that Borg can take moe punishment than the other Borg.

Try to stay ahead of Csatlos as much as you can so he doesn't get too much damage, and make sure that he's on an elevator when you're going down.

Alas, only having two casualties--Biessman and Kenn--does not change the ending of the game. The funeral scene remains the same, and you don't see any of the saved crewman again (with the exception of Csatlos, who transports back to Voyager with you).
