Michael Douglas' hair

Two questions:
1) What would you call that hairstyle? It's not quite a mullet (it's short in back), and not quite a duck tail (or other segment of a duck's anatomy).
B) Just how cool was that hairstyle anyway?


I'm 3 minutes into The movie and I see Douglas. before I could even think about The joy of seeing him,I noticed his hilariously funny and fake Elvis presley puff. He did have that style forever,but persisting with it at age 80 is a definite no no.If The likes of Statham,Bruce Willis,Gene Hackman and The rest have no problems being bald,then why do guys like Douglas,Al pacino ,Steven Seagal believe that they can get away with horrible Wigs,Toupee's,patches or charcoal paste?


Douglas isn't bald, sorry to say. He wore a wig because his hairstyle is modelled after the hairstyle of Dennis Hopper's character Frank Booth from "Blue Velvet".🐭
