wierd guy in corner

who is that one wierd guy that pops up in mortal kombat 2 whenever i do an uppercut, thiws guy pops up and yells "WHOOOOPSEEEEEY"


That was Dan Forden. He was the sound programmer and composer on all Mortal Kombat games. He's saying "Toasty". There's an Easter Egg when he appears in the portal stage, You quickly have to press DOWN+START or DOWN+SELECT!
When you perform Scorpion's Fatality, he shouts it out as well.


It's Dan Forden. He's responsible for the sound in the game.
He apears randomly when you give (or get) an uppercut. But if he appears in the "vortex" stage (whith the two shadowpriests floting in the back) and you push the start button really fast (if i remember correct you also have to pull the joystick down) you get to fight against smoke. BTW he shouts "TOASTY"

