Top 3 Fatalities

Theres only 7 but still what is everyones 3 favourites with reasons if you wish

3. Kanos Heart Rip - Reminds me of Temple of Doom.

2. Scorpions Toasty - It's so cool seeing scorpion without his mask staring at you

1. Sub Zeros Spine Rip - This is probably everyones fav but thats because its the coolest

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away....


3. SNES Version of Sub Zero's fatality. Freeze you in a huge block of ice, and smash you to bits. I love that MK3 later re-mastered it with a lot more blood.

2. Sonya's Kiss of Death. It was always cool to see Sonya get into the kiss so much. Leg up and everything.

1. GENESIS Johnny Cage (No-Blood Mode). Shadow Kick into flipping Oblivion!!!! I may have never understood it, but it sure was funny as Hell to see it.

Beware, the One Armed Race is coming for you.
