Question (possible spoilers!!!)

Why was the tracheotomy necessary? And please don't respond with "because she couldn't breathe". I want to know what is it about the tracheotomy that enabled her to breath again.


When she was hit initially, probably a blood clot formed in her neck area that impeded normal circulation, so the tracheotomy was necessary to open a direct airway through an incision in the trachea. I know, it's a simple explanation, sorry, but have no clue what her exact condition was...:)


She was hit by a semi. I assumed her trachea had been partially crushed; seeing that she was able to breathe a tiny bit, but not enough to keep fully alert.


Ooooh - i always wondered how can she stay alive and kinda conscious for that long without breathing at all. That makes total sense! That was the one thing about the movie that always made me think. I have even tried to time how much i would be able to take...haha. But, yeah, if she was breathing at least a tiny
