I liked this movie.

Pretty good for what it was. Anyone else enjoy it?


Been probably a few years since I last watched this actually. But I enjoyed it. Still have the VHS around here somewhere. I got so many movies, I never get around to so many others.

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I also enjoyed it. Just watched Lake Placid for the first time to compare. While I know Lake Placid came first, it also had a bigger budget and a more high profile cast, yet I thought Crocodile was better.

Seems to me that Lake Placid was poorly written with a lot of lines intended to be funny falling flat (with Brendan Gleeson doing miracles with what he is given) while the bad-friend-with-hidden-depths character from "Crocodile" actually had a rather interesting redemptive arc (and I was surprised that he hasn't been in much else). As awful as "Crocodile"'s effects were the storyline consistently upped the ante and, once it got started, it was really cool. In Lake Placid the film seemed to be going nowhere and then suddenly they decided to go nuts and try to capture the rampaging croc alive. *groans* (As if the first next step wouldn't be to immediately put it down because it had already killed at least two human beings.)

So yeah, taking into account the difference in budget, Crocodile is better than Lake Placid IMO.



Yes I own it. I thought it was good, its clever the way it stalks them one by one. Its not meant to b taken seriously.



It's a pile of steamy stinky poo and a sad commentary on how far the once mighty have fallen.
