Its Not That Bad

I'm not going to sit here and say this was a great movie, or even a movie that would be deemed "good", but i found it to be quite thrilling and entertaining. I can see why there would be a backlash against it because it is a christian action film (yes, there would be a bais) But I can assure you that 90% of the people who rated this movie DID NOT SEE IT!

Alot of what is in the movie is from the bible, try reading it. But alot of it is glamourized too.



I saw it, I know my bible (well enough to pick up the references in TOC, at least) but think that the concept of christianity is totally idiotic. Needless to say, I did not find the film to be thrilling and entertaining. Maybe it would be, if you'd been living your life in indentured slavery to the Jesus Inc. But meh...


And when Moses came down from Sinai he read out the commandments and he said thou shalt not sit through this *beep* without going mental


"But I can assure you that 90% of the people who rated this movie DID NOT SEE IT! "

No you can't, because you have absolutely no way of gathering data to prove that. Religion, of course, has scarcely been interested in proving anything; it merely makes baldfaced claims and expects to be believed.

"Alot of what is in the movie is from the bible, try reading it. But alot of it is glamourized too. "

Asdie from the fact that there is NO SUCH WORD as "alot," I have read the entire Bible, front to back, and this movie is nothing like the Biblical account. No four horsemen, moon turning to blood, stars falling (how would THAT work, exactly?) no Battle of Armageddon, wherein the valley of Megiddo fills entirely with blood (which would be impossible even if you included the blood of everyone who'd ever lived, and included all the animals, too) no Mark of the Beast, no talking statue of the Beast (and that would be so impressive nowadays; Satan's answer to Chuck E Cheese). God strikes the Beast down before he can kill anybody at all! What of the Tribulation? You honestly claim that this is from the Bible? I'm an atheist and I know better than that.

I saw this thing in the theaters, no less. I loved how depending on who you believed, there was one year, two years, or two and a half years skipped after Van Dien began working for York. And the stock footage of a desert subtitled "Jerusalem" was classic. Yes, Jerusalem is just a big patch of empty desert these days.

If more people read the entire Bible, there would be fewer Christians.




I seen and and it was one of the worst pieces of crap that I had ever seen. Horrible acting, very amatature directing and extremely bad editing.
