MovieChat Forums > Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999) Discussion > "She's not a terrorist. She's a RAPE VIC...

"She's not a terrorist. She's a RAPE VICTIM!"

Uh, those things aren't mutually exclusive...


Olivia believes that if one screams Rape That erases all of the crime they may be involved in.

Slainte 🇮🇪 I am who I am your approval isnt needed or required.


Pretty much.


She will always think that way - sad isn't it.


I think that Mariska's personal experience of working with victims of sexual assault is negatively impacting the character and the show. She is no longer acting, she is playing herself with every one of her speeches about rape and with how Benson always believes every word an alleged victim says and not being objective or seeing the bigger picture. I have come to think that is because MH has worked with so many real life victims of sexual assault that she can no longer play Olivia Benson doubting the story of a rape victim or being objective in an investigation. She is instead using the show to advance whatever cause she feels passionately about.

Mariska has too much influence over the show and too many personal experiences with real victims and it has negatively impacted the character and the show.


That's certainly possible. She does have a lot of influence over the show and, in my opinion, that has not been a good thing.


It's especially annoying when a rape victim lies and someone points it out. She always flips out and says it doesn't matter. Now of course a rape victim lying ablut something doesn't mean they deserved what they got and probably that they're making the whole thing up, but it does need to be pointed out. If a suspect of rape lied, she'd hold it against them forever.

Olivia seems to think suspects of rape are guilty until proven innocent. While someone who says they were raped shouldn't be immediately thought of as liars, she can at least wait until the evidence confirms it before deciding right away that the victim is right.


Olivia seems to think suspects of rape are guilty until proven innocent.

That's more or less what feminists want. Look at the discourse surrounding rape on campuses and the feminist response to it (believe the victim even if she's blatantly lying, like Emma Sulkowicz, aka Mattress Girl, who falsely accused a guy of rape - he was investigated and acquitted of the charges, after she sent him lovey-dovey messages after their sex and then she lugged a mattress around and released a porno of herself being "raped" - and became a feminist folk hero).


"Feminist" is a broad term and Emma Sulkowicz is one person who managed to manipulate some people. Unfortunately many people and not just feminists are naive and easily manipulated.


Guilty until proven innocent

And then they're not her problem, regardless of how their lives have been ruined, upheaved, overturned, torn asunder....because the SVU doesn't care about the cost, just the win.


I think ( of course I could be wrong) they were trying for a situation where someone repeatedly abused may become demoralized. Patty Hearst made a similar argument. Not everyone bought it.

"I used to be a detective like you, but then I took a bullet to the knee."-Law & Order: Dragon Squad


The problem with the script is that the woman (Anna?) had relatives in Bosnia and a job yet somehow was unable to make a phone call or send a letter to them saying "I'm trapped in an abusive relationship with terrorists. Please send someone to take my son and call the police." Actually her aunt was taking care of the son so was she a terrorist and a rapist too? It becomes unclear. If not the aunt could have taken the son to the police,reported the terrorist plan and the abusive situation, the child would have been placed in foster care while everyone was arrested before no terrorism had occurred. Then the stakes would have been lower and Anna would have gotten immunity for testifying against the two men and all would have ended well. Sadly there are often these loose ends in SUV plots.


Shh, shh, that doesn't fit the agenda.


I am still a little fuzzy on the aunt's role in all of this. Was she part of the terrorist plot, because she was making sure Anna stayed in line, by watching over the kid? Was it the aunt's bag that had the gun in it when the boy pulled it out?


Benson would condone murder if it were committed by a rape victim. I happen to know (so unfortunately, I must say) two rape victims IRL. And surprisingly, they still manage to conduct themselves according to the laws that govern everyone. Their trauma hurts me deeply, but neither has every used it as an excuse for anything.


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


I think she has, actually. I know she AND Amaro "looked the other way" when a terminally ill and dying mother took the blame when her teen daughter murdered her father's girlfriend.

She and Amaro looked Cragen in the eye and lied through their teeth. He didn't buy it, but he accepted it.

It's a favorite trope of this show; we're breaking the law, but we do it righteously, so it's okay.


Only uber liberal SVU would make a terrorist a rape victim.


I can't remember what episode it was but it was dealing with college fade inking and rape Olivia actually said it both are equally drunk and sex takes place the boy is still at fault because she should stay sober.

Slainte 🇮🇪 I am who I am your approval isnt needed or required.


Olivia has become a man hating bitch most of the time. Like I say, I think Mariska's real life involvement with rape victims has influenced the way she plays Benson, she is now just playing herself and she can't be objective. All she does is use her job to advance her agenda, and that is true for both Olivia Benson and Mariska Hargitay


I remember that too, that regardless of either or both parties being unable to consent, HE is the rapist because "he should know better, he should have walked away, she couldn't say yes".

It's really quite repulsive.


As I remember the episode, she didn't kill anybody or mastermind any terrorist activity. She isn't just a rape victim, she was repeatedly raped, abused, and battered. Also, she was blackmailed with a video of her, which in conservative Muslim family would only mean one thing, honor killing, so if her family saw the video, she would've been killed. The fact that she was procecuted just for her affiliation with terrorists is weird.


Not weird at all, If you know about a crime and don't come forward you are as Guilty as the person who committed it. Ana knew and participated in Terrorist activates she had Options she choose to kill.

Slainte 🇮🇪 I am who I am your approval isnt needed or required.


The idiotic conservatives on here should be aware by now that Dick Wolf is liberal and most of the episodes in SVU and Law and Order are liberal. Only Fred Thompson was conservative. Sam Waterson was liberal.

Not all Muslim families in Muslim countries are the same. Anyway I didn't know 'terrorists' can't be victims. How the hell do they become the way they are? But oh yeah the past rapists and killers and child molestors have history but the 'terrorists' can't have a past...boom out of the blue they become killers because of religion. Double Standard.

sociopaths and psychopaths are all the same. Life doesn't matter to anyone no matter what race or religion they are.


So you think a rapist or child molester should get off if they were abused?


If there's evidence of abuse! Sometimes you're marked for life and there's nothing you can do about it aside suicide or self mutilation for some who're truly troubled! 

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That reply doesn't make sense. I wasn't asking you, but I will now. If a rapist or molester was raped themselves, should they just get off?


Not "get off" as such, but taken into consideration at sentencing! I don't think anyone knows the harm done to kids who are taken advantage of by not outside molesters, but by their own families! If the mother, for some reason, the rage and self-loathing can be volcanic! Heaven help anyone around when they snap!

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Sorry I don't think they should get off or even have it considered, I tire of the Abuse excuse when it comes to defending a Crime.
Unless you are so mentally gone that you don't know right from wrong you have choices and options. Last I looked most abuse victims know right from wrong and some choose to do wrong.

Slainte 🇮🇪 I am who I am your approval isnt needed or required.


Hell yeah they should be held accountable. Can't believe that there are people who can sympathize with a suspect of multiple rapes and sexual assaults just because it happened to them as a child. Most victims of sexual assaults do not become predators themselves. I don't care if a guy was repeatedly raped by his father, the second he hurts an innocent person sympathy for him is gone. Sympathy goes to victims and respect goes to victims that overcame their abuse.
