Writing that is grasping ...

at anything to make an SVU episode. Junk on NBC


Why are you still watching then?


Not everyone is going to cream themselves every episode; some of them are just unforgivably bad and people are free to comment on the poor quality.

It's not a personal attack.

It was a crap episode, and I'm thinking ToHelenandback had it right with calling it quits.


I know that, but the OP made 2 threads to call the show crap. If it's crap, why bother? It doesn't seem like he/she just disliked an episode or 2.


then why are you even watching this show? No one is forcing you to watch it...why not just do yourself and everyone else a favor and change the damn channel, that's why remote controls were invented, duh.


Ive been a huge fan of SVU since the beginning. I dont think its like award worthy television but its nice to put on and turn the old brain off.However, when episodes are this damn stupid it should be pointed out and if these episodes become more common and more frustrating I will turn it off.
