Oscar nomination?

Did anyone else just absolutely hate Laura Linney and her performance in this film? While the writers developed her well, I suffered through every moment of this marveling what a weak and boring character she was. She was such a sexual doormat (and whore!). I normally like Linney, especially in Mothman Prophecies and David Gale, but she bored me here and I thought that this movie sucked out loud. But indie triumphs, and she got her Oscar nomination, for whatever reason. She never had a shot in hell, and thank God for that.


I thought she was fantastic. She matched the film perfectly with subtlety, wit, and a whole range of emotion. She deserved the oscar nod.



Oh, yes, Ruffalo was superb, too. PERHAPS more than Linney. I think the difference is that Linney has produced better work. Ruffalo has not.




What are you talking about!? The Mothman Prophecies was one of the worst movies of the year, and Laura Linney was hardly at her best there. One of the reasons I liked You Can Count on Me is because Linney plays an a-typical "Hollywood mom." She loves her son, but she doesn't pretend to have all the answers to his questions. The fact that she comes across as a whore or a "sexual doormat" (as you put it) is because she is confused about her own life. She doesn't know what she wants so she uses sex as a diversion, which I thought was a realistic situation.

"The plaid, and the mallards... It's like we live in the Museum of Natural Ugliness!" - Charlotte, "SATC"
