
as if the multiple pythons posing as rattlesnakes aren't bad enough, the scene that sticks out the most to me is the one where the woman suggests using kingsnakes to control the rattlesnakes.
when she introduces her pet kingsnake, it is actually a blackheaded python. i don't get why...real kingsnakes are cheap and generally docile. blackheaded pythons on the other hand run about $1000 in the u.s. wholesale market, and like most australian python species, are pretty damn nippy. just seems like an odd substitution to make.
hilariously bad movie, all the way through.

...leave me to die, you won't remember my voice. i walked away and grew old...


I laughed at that black-headed python, too, and when the pet store woman told it in her car that it had saved her life (by killing the rattlesnake that got in her car, I guess.)
There were a number of other Australian pythons that were used to stand in for rattlesnakes. The credits list an Australian casting agent, and IMDB says part of the film was shot in Queensland, so that's probably why they used the Australian snakes, and could afford them and didn't use a California kingsnake.
