In relation to the series

I have only seen a handful of episodes from the Ruroni Kenshin tv series on Toonami and have really enjoyed it. I'm just curious if the Samurai X OAV (or OVA, whatever) can be seen w/o having seen the entire series. I know that Trust and Betrayal serve as prequels but are they easy for anyone to just jump into?


I saw the OAV before i saw the series, but in the end everythign fell into place anyway. You will have no more problems watching the OAV first than watching it having already viewed the series. The only thing you have to worry about is figuring out whether the scenes you are watching during the OAV are flashbacks or present or foreshadowing, as this can be rather confusing at times, considering that a large portion of the film is flashbacks and foreshadowing.


Reflection, although very good in my opinion, is much harder to understand thatn Trust and Betrayal. Most of the story is told in flashback. You might want to watch some more episodes before you watch it.
