Loved This Show

I watched this back when it was on with "The Practice," and one day it was just gone! So sad.. I loved the shows I seen.



I loved this show also. They had taken it off the air, so they could air something else(can't remember off hand what the other was) and were suppose to bring it back afterward and never did.....Oh well....They usually do ax the shows I like and can keep me interested!


Totally loved it, majorly bummed that it's not on anymore. They took it off for freakin' "Who Wants To Be A Millionnaire?"

"Are you the bad Slayer now? Am I the good Slayer now?"


That's what I thought they took it off for, but wasn't quite sure. I wished they could of given it more of a chance than they did. Oh well!



yeah, who wanted to see that azzhole Regis. This show had a good balance and irripressibly sexy Gina Gershon

-3 people can keep a secret, if 2 of them are dead



by - Spider-Lou-2 on Thu May 8 2008 14:14:08
Gina looked great in this show. But it also was very well acted and written and should have been given a better shot. Unfortunately, people probably identified it with a show like VIP. ABC as usual, didn't give it that shot.

Hey, watch it!!! I also loved V.I.P. so campy you had to laugh.

-3 people can keep a secret, if 2 of them are dead


This show is fantastic. We've just had the whole series in the UK. And it starts again from the beginning tonight at 11pm on Zone Romantica. Yet another fantastic show that was cancelled.
