MovieChat Forums > Popular (1999) Discussion > The change of tone ruined this show

The change of tone ruined this show

It began as more dramatic/black comedy and then it morphed into physical comedy. Of course I love everything about it now, and I do laugh at all the crazy comedy and how over the top season 2 was but I must confess, at the time, I stopped watching.



Not true, there was a huge change of tone beginning in mid season 1 when things became outlandish and excessively comical and implausible and that was simply not the premise we got in the first 5 episodes, this was a dramedy not a comedy or the three stooges like it sometimes seemed.



But the tone was changed, things like kidnapping Gwyeneth's stylist, or Mrs. Glass getting all her organs removed are entirely ludicrous and implausible, it just wasn't that type of show, the first episodes are nothing like that. In fact, that's why I stopped watching back in the day.


I share your pain with "Popular's" cancellation.

I hate that it was moved to Friday night.


I love the entire show from start to finish, and although there was some amazingly funny episodes in season one, I enjoyed season two more. Season 2 had very good dramatic storylines, like Carmen's moms drinking problem and abuse, Brooke's returning eating disorder and the heartbreaking Harrison leukemia storyline, and the funny episodes/moments were hilarious! There was more Nicole/Mary Cherry, which made the whole comedy of the show, and I still laugh so hard watching them. WB did want the tone in Popular to change and turn more into drama like we saw in Dawson's Creek. Especially the drama between Brooke, Sam and Harrison at the end I thought was really good, and especially the drama between Nicole and Brooke in the series finale! That crash at the very end is the perfect ending (if a season 3 were to happen though). That, combined with the new time slot killed the show, sadly. I know not many people loved the dramatic take on season 2 like I did. This is just my opinion.


I found season 2 a little bit too dumb. I don't mind the weirdness but storylines seem to go to fast and then get dropped. I did still love it though, but season 1 was the glory days.

When lightning strikes the sea, why don't all the fish die?


That's why I liked S2... well, with the exceptions of the Brooke/Harrison/Sam triangle and Josh/Lily's marriage. I don't think I would have minded Josh and Lily if the show hadn't had them get married just in S2.

The rest of the drama and comedy was awesome. I loved the tones of both seasons. I feel the tone was changed a bit from S1 to S2, but I don't think it was that different. If that makes any sense at all. I wish they had had another season or even half of one to give it a proper ending. For me, at the time, I hadn't seen a show like this. It was drama with a great sense of humor and some unrealistic storylines. That was set in a realistic world and not like BtVS or Angel.

Be Seeing You.
