Lily is so ANNOYING

my god that stupid idiot of a character annoys the *beep* out of me. Seriously, she's so hard headed and petty and forceful. It's fine to believe in causes, but when you start shoving your opinions down other people throats, there's a *beep* problem. All she does is bitch, bitch, bitch. She was a condescending girlfriend with Ford, she was bossy with Carmen, and unfair with pretty much everyone else. I seriously cannot STAND her.

"So baseball is more important to you than civil rights!" *evil glare*

"Nice to see your priorities are in order, Sam, going prom shopping instead of being supportive of confused teenagers!"

That's just from 2 scenes from ONE episode. There are a *beep* more, especially season 2. I think I find her the least interesting and the most annoying.

If I ever went to high school with her I'd seriously crack in the midst of one of her self-righteous, judgmental tirades and bitch slap her.

She's even more annoying than Brooke which says A LOT.

you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.


Althought she was one of my favoirte chars, she had the worst ideas.

Like wanting to have sex with Harrisonin season 1, and asking Josh to get married in season 2.


lily was always one of my faves. i didnt think she was too pushy with her activism and she was usually the supportive friend, as oppsed to the 1 doing wrong and learning a lesson

hey, yoda needs to give some better advice, or yoda needs to shut the *beep* up


While I enjoyed the show, most of the characters annoyed me, which I suppose they were meant to...but no one more than her. Nevermind her whiny nails on the chalkboard voice, her crusades against every single thing under the sun grew old in the second episode. Crying over a lobster? Really? You're in high school...people have been eating these things long before you were born and there's no way one person or even a group of people will keep the entire world from eating it. She just comes across as someone with nothing else better to do...oh, especially in that boot camp episode where she threw a hissy fit over a comment some guy made about the shirt she was if he said something derogatory. Of course the comedy lies in her winding up there herself. I found myself on more than one occasion telling her to "shut up already!"


I do admire Lily for standing up on her beliefs. I was watching the boot camp episode this week, and she was wearing this revealing corset tank top to school. What bother me was that she was shocked when the boys made inappropriate comments towards her. Hello you're wearing a slutty top of course boys would make comments like that!!! Ok true a woman should whatever she wants, but if she didn't want to be a victim then she should think twice about wearing that top.


It's definitely admirable...but the way she looked down on everyone else who didn't share her beliefs and opinions was what was annoying. You're right, anyone in their right mind would expect those guy, not even a grown man, let alone a teenaged boy, would respond by saying, "Golly, you look awfully attractive today." I don't know if it's just me, but it didn't seem like a big deal to me...they were just words, and they weren't even vulgar. Guys AND girls say things like that about the opposite sex all the's not something to go crying about.



Totally agree. So self righteous and irritating.



I also really like Lily and I agree with her points of view but what if she was preachy about God and the Bible and about morality, would all of you still dislike her ?


yeah but she's a tasty little spinner so she get's a pass until she turns 25. There are ways to shut the flapping hole beneath her nose.


Lily was a pain in the ass. Seriously high maintenance and superior. I know some people have said 'good on her for standing up for what she believes' but I honestly think most of her activism actually stemmed from needing to feel like she was better than everyone else (hence the complete distain for ANYBODY who deviated from her own strict 'ethics'). It seemed like a way to get attention ('cause she certainly didn't have anything else going on for her, no sense of humour, no fun to be around).

I think in real-life people who throw themselves into Every Single Cause aren't really that genuine.


While Lily wasn't one of my favorite characters, I never thought of her as overly annoying. She was more like teenage annoying. If that makes any sense at all. To me she was just a young extreme activist who doesn't fully understand what science is truly evil and what is good. I always thought she would eventually get better educated and learn how to use her values in a better way. Plus, Ms Glass was a good antagonist for her at times.

Again, she wasn't my favorite character, never was when I first watched the series and still isn't.

I honestly didn't like it when she show decided to pair her with Josh. It was a nice thought with bringing two opposite characters together, but it was just really off for me.

Be Seeing You.
