MovieChat Forums > Popular (1999) Discussion > Way better than Glee!

Way better than Glee!

I was so pissed off when it was cancelled. I liked Glee at the beginning but Popular was better, it's a pity we couldn't get a proper ending.

Black, white, green, red...
Can I take my friend to bed?


I think Glee has a lot of the same hilarious humour like Popular has, but Glee is a lot more current (of course because Popular is older, haha!) but what is good about Popular is way better than whats good about Glee, I think


I think the high points in Glee were better than anything Popular delivered. However, I'd agree that Popular was the better show because it had a consistency that Glee lacked (entirely). Whereas Glee had no character consistency and was constantly doing retcons to allow for whatever convoluted storyline they felt like, Popular's characters followed arcs, but remained true to their core. As well, Glee was always in fluctuation between absurd and outlandish, and grounded in serious reality. Popular walked a fine line as well, but the more overt humour in Popular always kept things just a little more on the absurd side, which worked. Glee tried to have it both ways.
