MovieChat Forums > The Man Show (1999) Discussion > ... and down the hill she goes.

... and down the hill she goes.

I must say that the new Man Show sucks. From the horrible new rendition of the theme song on, it just kept getting worse. Towards the end, I actually had to change the channel, cause I couldn't take anymore. Doug is okay, but that Joe Rogan is so annoying, and he's not even funny. The Man Show just isn't the same without Adam and Jimmy. I honestly can't watch it anymore. A once brilliant show has now been layed out on the butchering table, and the hacking has begun.


Yeah, I know what you mean. The "Guess the @$$- Crack" game was OK, but the rest was kind of annoying, and yeah, the new theme song sucks. A lot of the jokes that Joe Rogan and Doug Stanhope made (i.e. their opening dialogue about prostitutes) were nowhere near as funny as the ones that Adam and Jimmy could come up with on those topics. Also, instead of having a small army of Juggies like they used to, that number has been reduced to six, only two of whom were from the past seasons (Vanessa and Angelique, I believe). Those losers didn't even do the Man Show Toast at the end of the episode! I'll watch a couple more episodes just to see if Doug and Joe can manage to get their acts together, but so far, it looks like those two are going to do irreparable damage to the "Man Show" name. Adam and Jimmy should beat the crap out of them (And they probably could, too) for how much they're butchering this legendary show.


This show totally sucked without Jimmy and Adam. Last night I watched the premiere of the new hosts and was utterly dissapointed! I know these guys wanted to change things and do it their way, but you can't change the opening song and not do the toast at the end, especially when people are wanting to see their show the way it was. After the show was over I had to throw in my Season one DVD's just to recoup from the damage these two new hosts did. PLEASE COME BACK JIMMY AND ADAM!



OK, I went to the website. I still feel (even more now) that this is going to suck because now these two crass comedians have to use unintelligence to be funny. I believe, and this is just my opinion, these two guys are going to use this show to do their stand ups bits and shove their foul jokes using what used to be a great show. Men don't go around taking about abortions and such, but they do go around talking about where they're next porn flick will come from or they talk about farting. I just feel that Jimmy and Adam brought more of old school man subjects to the table. Guess I'll have to stick with the old season DVD's and wait for another good show.
I will give the new guys a few more tries watching them, but it'd better get better, their ratings will show it with fewer viewers.

I DO agree with you on your opnion of no Ziggy Socky though. Jimmy and Adam not letting them do it.




For f*ck sake, do you people have nothing better to do than bitch and moan about the new hosts? Watch the first man show episode and tell me that was Jimmy and Adam's best show... and don't even try to bullsh*t me by saying it was. Watch the simpsons first season. That is completely unfunny, but watch something from season 6, and you've got a pain in your side from laughing. I've been a fan of doug stanhope for forever it seems, and love the man's comedic talents. As bfluehr pointed out, you should go to the site. I'll post one comment in particular: "there's a reason they wouldn't do that show anymore and it could be that they hated your guts. Maybe they couldn't stand the thought of being out to dinner one more time, lifting their glass of wine to some beautiful woman across the table only to have some date-raping, frat donkey scream from across the room, "Ziggy-Socky, Ziggy-Socky, Hoi Hoi Hoi!" and then laugh hog-like, thinking he was really original." So you are to blame for Jimmy and Adam's leaving.


With all due respect, DuctTape-4, let me make a few points:
1. I personally thought Doug Stanhope was all right on "The Man Show," I just hated Joe Rogan.
2. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Adam and Jimmy left because they both had their own projects that they were working on. Jimmy Kimmel has his talk show, and I think I heard somewhere that Adam Carolla was getting his own radio show, so they'd both be too busy to continue with "The Man Show."
3. I would hardly classify myself as a "Date- raping frat donkey."
4. Regarding the comment on Stanhope's site about Adam and Jimmy constantly being bothered by fans, well, that's the price of fame! Complete strangers come up to Ben Stein requesting him to do his "Bueller, Bueller..." line. I'm sure that Cuba Gooding, Jr. has had problems with fans screaming at him, "Show me the money! Show me the money!" It's what happens when you're a fairly well- recognized person.
Anyway, as I said in my earlier comment, I'm still going to watch a few more of the new episodes of "The Man Show", because I'm open- minded enough to give it another chance.



I totally agree!

I never even got remotly interested in, "The Man Show" until the second or third season when they got some decent writers.

Give it a chance.


Amen man. Way to go. I am so sick of hearing about how these new guys suck. I defended them in another discussion on here. You are absolutely right. These guys are doing a good job. As much as Jimmy and Adam made me laugh, they werent the only reason I watched the show. Amen man, amen.



Um, Primate84, your comment about how Jimmy and Adam could beat the crap out of Joe and Doug are incredibly incorrect. Joe is a former WORLD Tae Kuon Do champion. Im sure he can handle himself in a fight


Um, dgnr8 kid, I didn't say they COULD beat the crap out of Joe and Doug, I said they SHOULD! As I said in my post, I watched a few more episodes of the new season, and they didn't get much better. I've just stopped watching the new series, I just watch an occasional rerun of the old series.


I just don't enjoy Joe and Doug's personalities. Doug Stanhope is a marginally humorous comedian and Joe Rogan has always struck me as having a "laugh at my jokes or I'll punch you in the nuts" sense of humor.

The difference between the old hosts and these two new guys is that Adam and Jimmy were just guys. That's all. Just two guys who weren't being tactful or "careful" about their sense of humor. Joe and Doug go out of their way to offend and irritate. Example: Doug's giant spiel on religion. Yes, yes I understand that you have issues with organized religion, Doug, but to insult the faith of what is most likely a pretty good portion of your viewer base isn't funny. It's just obnoxious. Many comedic celebrities, Trey Parker being a good example, can say things like that because they allow room for themselves to be wrong as well, whereas Doug Stanhope doesn't.

The juggies are still great, most of the sketches are still pretty good (the blind man with the keyboard was absolutely hysterical) and the atmosphere of the show is still pretty much intact. But, Joe and Doug have two of the most grating and annoying personalities on television. The difference between the old hosts and the new hosts is that Adam and Jimmy were likeable guys. Yes, they were crass, yes they were gross, but they still had a positive disposition. Joe and Doug act like they're a superior form of life and use the show to preach endlessly about things that are either simply not funny or have been beaten to death already. They just suck, and that's all there is to it.

