Jimmy's divorce

I was just on Jimmy Kimmel's page and saw that he (or his wife) filed for divorce in June 2003. I was just wondering if this had anything to do with "The Man Show." I could see how some wifes would hate it, but if you were married to Jimmy Kimmel then you would know he was just being funny, not serious. I would be proud if my husband was that funny and could host a successful TV show!

Then again, maybe they had other problems that had nothing to do with the show.

"In the immortal words of Socrates...'I drank what?!?'"



On the contrary,
Jimmy Kimmels wife NEVER liked him working on The Man Show. She has made that clear in several daytime talk shows and also the expression on her face when she was invited on The Man Show was very tell-tale. Women were constantly throwing themselves at her husband and there were many long distance "business trips" he and Corolla took and she knew full well what was going on. It's a very common story in Hollywood. Normal everyday marriages with that much success and that much of a following are destroyed. Corolla is a good example of what to do as he is staying single as he puts it...."Until this thing is over and not even Viagra can help me."


Adam has been married like a year dude. He was dating the same girl for a couple years before that too I think.

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing at all"


Well her timing certainly was good. Funny how they get a divorce right after the big payday.

"When you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done."


If that were the case, her timing couldn't have been more retarded.
Pretty sure 'The Man Show' had a much less impressive payday than his very own late night network tv show 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'... no?



he was doing both shows when his talk show debuted the night of the superbowl in early 2003 so she got the bucks already before june 2003.

spectre can

suck it.


It probably has to do with the fact that Jimmy wanted to date Sarah Silverman (Which he has been for a while now but I don't know if they are still together).


She wasnt too happy when she caught Sarah Silverman and her husband sleeping together and not really caring about keeping it a secret lol


Yeah, cheating on one's wife is one thing, embarrassing her is another.


monogamy is unnatural


Adam Carolla has said a few times that the origin of the Man Show came from Jimmy Kimmel calling him up and saying he'd been to yet another audition for a show with a woman co-host and he said to Adam "They want women to like me. My own wife doesn't like me. We need to do our own show".

So in a way, it makes sense that not only did his wife hate him doing the show, but that they ended up divorced. Jimmy started the show on the idea that he was tired of trying to please/serve women.
