Sympathetic characters

Other than James Caan I had no sympathy for the other characters especially Parker and Lombaugh who really had few redeeming features. How about you?


Parker and Longbaugh were totally sympathetic. Sure they wanted the money, but they also fought to make sure Robin kept her baby. Parker more so than Longbaugh. But Longbaugh came around in the hotel.


Christopher McQuarrie, the writer and director of this film, said his goal was to create a film with no sympathetic characters. Each time you feel a glimmer of sympathy for a character, they descend into despicable behavior.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert


I don't believe there were any.


The ending proved they were. The didn't want redemption for what they did. Robin got to be with her baby. They made that happen. Mcquarrie failed, he succeeded in making an awesome crime movie, but they In my opinion were sympathetic characters. I felt for them at the end.
"Im an Ideas man Michael, I think I proved that with f#ck mountain"
-Gob Bluth
