Song question

What is the song playing while Morrel is dancing in front of the old ladies????


man, I was just about to ask that question. that is freaky. Came in to start a new post and I find this.
Great tune, made even better with P.C's dancing.


Yeah its a great tune and my favourite part of the film. I have a friend who used to dance exactly like that in clubs. He was also a pyscho!


The track in question is 'Civvy Street Fiasco' by Unisex. They seem to have a few albums out on Double Agent Records but this isn't on either. I'm trying to source it through Hope this helps.


Thank you Eddie


On the topic of song help, could somebody tell me the name of the song that plays during the opening credits?

Thats the soundtrack, but nay civvy street fiasco.

The song is called A message to you Rudy and its by the specials. Every time I heear that song I just think of this film. Brilliant! Civvy street fiasco is absolutely fantastic, I spent quite a while trying to track it down. No luck yet.


Can anyone tell me where I can get the song If this is love

Its played during the film and also during the directors diary

