only 8 episodes

I've tried to find out information on this show as I really enjoyed it, but I could only see 8 episodes listed, was this all they made?


I really enjoyed it as well. Ah well, all good things have to come to an end. By the way does anybody happen to know who did the music for the opening credits?


I've never seen this show before but I wish I did get to before it got cancelled. And does anyone know any good "opposite sex" fansites?

SNOOKEY!!!! - Hal Sparks


Yeah, and only 6 of those eps aired in the States, but other countries like Canada got all 8.

I taped at least a few of them... I should dig them out and see if I got all 8!


i have to of them taped i found them one day looking throw my stuff and was like YES along with american high grrr summer shows that got chancelled that year oppsite sex, young americans and american high i liked them alot


hey if u want to watch opposite sex, and if u want the fox execs to put opposite sex on dvd i suggest u go here and sign the petition thanks :)
