
I don't know who of you guys know the game Half-Life. But the guy in the end who gives the 3 the suitcase with money and stuff looks a lot like the G-Man I think :).


I agree...the man on half life is similar...but the voice is not as recognuised as the man on HL. Still similar though


WOW Half life is my fave ever game...its the best game ever!!!!
But I can't remember what you are talking about despite having the movie on video...I shall watch soon and see.

I know I know I am 2 years late replying lol

~Half life fan~Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?


I disagree, the guy in the film looks smaller and slightly fatter than the HL G-Man. Granted, it's been years since I've seen the film anyway.


Meh...I think he does sort of..

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